Is Purigen harmful to fish or coral?


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My bag of purigen in my sump for some reason moved and blocked a hole resulting in the sump filling and overflowing over my floor.

Luckily I was in the room and caught this within seconds of it starting to flood - so the damage is minimal to none.

However in moving the bag or Purigen about half of it escaped the bag and floated loose into the sump and is making its way through the skimmer, refugium and now back into the DT.

1) Is it harmful
2) Do I need to do anything or just let it either float to the sand bed or eventually get filtered out
well, it isn't going to break down, and I doubt it will settle on the sandbed because it's so light. Maybe try and run a filter sock or something?
It shouldn't harm anything itself. And yes it probably won't break down... at least not for a long time. I also agree it might be too light for it to fully settle into the sand. Only potential issue I see is if the fish were to actually eat it. Not sure if that would be harmful or not, but you may need to contact Seachem to get an answer on that.
Found another thread online with a reply from seachem. They say it's non toxic to fish and they recommended siphoning it during the next water change.