Is there a membership card???

freezerrat;590008 wrote: I was thinking, why not eliminate the card? E-mail it and them it can be printed out. Kind of like you can get an insurance card e-mailed to you. Less expense for the club too.

Your hired. It's so simple n if there are folks that can't print for some reason then we can mail just there way less hassle. N I like the idea of all memberships expire the same day. No guessing involved. Also make it so people can change there own info if they move our have an email change. Like I requested also would make Stacy job alot easier n hassle free. Puts the job in the members hands if it don't get done it's there own fault.
RaisedOnNintendo;590017 wrote: Also make it so people can change there own info if they move
There's an idea. I don't know, but I think that may be what happened with me. I moved and couldn't find anywhere to change my info. I assumed they would get it from paypal. I PMed the address too, after the fact though.
Yep I can almost tell you for sure. If you changed cities and your avatar still says the old one. That b your answer. I know mine hasn't been changed yet cause mine still has the old city. Wish I could change it myself instead of being a burden.
Also you could let us print out name tags for the meetings. You could just leave the empty nametags Putin a box or something somewhere. Walla no more no nametag problem solved. :)
RaisedOnNintendo;590020 wrote: Yep I can almost tell you for sure. If you changed cities and your avatar still says the old one. That b your answer. I know mine hasn't been changed yet cause mine still has the old city. Wish I could change it myself instead of being a burden.

Yeah, good point. But wouldn't have been able to tell for me. I didn't even move far enough to change my zip code.
Oh quick we are in trouble some some one signal batman " I mean websitedave" let him know to change the admin functions. So we can acsess our info and not everything and everyones. Would be glad to donate corals towards the purchase of his services. I hope someone on the bod taking notes today because we have some real easy quick fixes to ongoing issues here. I truly hope we r being helpful.
RaisedOnNintendo;590017 wrote: Your hired. It's so simple n if there are folks that can't print for some reason then we can mail just there way less hassle. N I like the idea of all memberships expire the same day. No guessing involved. Also make it so people can change there own info if they move our have an email change. Like I requested also would make Stacy job alot easier n hassle free. Puts the job in the members hands if it don't get done it's there own fault.

We had that for the first year of having the new site. It's a setting on the site, and it's simply disabled right now.

Why? Because people couldn't handle the responsibility. They'd change it to "000 Main Street, Nowhere, USA", as if we're collecting and selling addresses to some Russian outfit.

This isn't necessarily a problem, except those same people would throw a fit when their cards weren't mailed to them (because the address wasn't correct). So... we simply turned off the ability to change it themselves.