Is there such a thing as too much Calcium?


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I've never had good luck until recently keeping SPS so this is somewhat foreign to me. Is there such a thing as too much calcium? Right now its about 520 and my DKH is good. I keep 8 clams, 4 sps colonies/frags an electric green torch coral and some polyps. Just want to make sure that there is not an adverse effect in having it this high.

Worth noting, I dose Brightwell Aquatics Code A&B every other day as well as Magnesium on the other days.
That's higher than is useable by your inhabitants, but not astronomically high. If it were too high, it would precipitate out (like snow).
Not sure if there is any gain to be had running it that high. It will precipitate out on all your heaters, pumps, powerheads, etc (anything warm) if it get too high. It looks like a off-white layer of thick, hard paint that will eventually grow thick enough to stop your pumps if it is not cleaned regularly.