Is there such thing as too much light?

Yep...coraline growth on mine has all but disappered as well...So for that I say you can have too much light...
washowi wrote: Yep...coraline growth on mine has all but disappered as well...So for that I say you can have too much light...

Yup- it all goes back to what you're trying to keep. You and I are more interested in the acros than purple algae, so bring on the light!
jmaneyapanda wrote: Corals coloration is reaction to UV, not generalized light....I think.:doh:

Actually, I'm not sure that's true. There's hardly any UV in tanks, and there are plenty example of very successful and colorful acro tanks out there with only PC lighting...
jmaneyapanda wrote: Corals coloration is reaction to UV, not generalized light....I think.:doh:
Sometimes... there are numerous pigment types in the coral skeleton that are partially responsible for coloration. There are various reasons these pigments can change. Everything from predatory response, diet (vitamin intake), etc.

Zooxanthellea inside the coral change pigments primarily in reaction to light intensity including UV light.