Issues with a new Kole tang.

Not necessarily. But I don’t think going a little hypo would be too bad either. I may just be the “throwing it at the wall, and seeing what sticks” strategy.

The issue could be stress, neurological, or a bug. If it is a bug, going hypo may help, depending on what type of bug. But so would copper. Both approaches add their own risks, stress, and benefits.

The fish should be fine down to 1.015 with minimal additional stress. Any marine bugs won’t like this. Going lower is when you may start to add stress to the fish.
I don't want to add copper when a fish isn't eating. I've always felt proper nutrition is the key first and everything else is secondary, unless dealing with Velvet. Right now there are no signs of that with any of the fish. The YBR is still flashing and scratching its gills. I'm mixing up Focus & Metro now.

If the Kole doesn't eat by the afternoon I'll give it a half hour methylene blue bath in hypo and go from there. At least it's not swimming in circles anymore.

Thanks for your opinion!
I don't want to add copper when a fish isn't eating. I've always felt proper nutrition is the key first and everything else is secondary, unless dealing with Velvet. Right now there are no signs of that with any of the fish. The YBR is still flashing and scratching its gills. I'm mixing up Focus & Metro now.

If the Kole doesn't eat by the afternoon I'll give it a half hour methylene blue bath in hypo and go from there. At least it's not swimming in circles anymore.

Thanks for your opinion!
Anytime. I think that’s a good plan! Please keep us informed
So far I haven't seen it eat but it is not swimming in circles or erratically anymore. Mostly just hiding in a pvc elbow and poking it's head out occasionally. Generally acting a bit more normal.
Other than dosing Prazi, nothing but black out the tank with a dark towel. With the food I put in there I know the tang ate. There's no way the tiny wrasse ate it all. I saw the tang eat too.
Great news! Yeah, after the first time I used a towel, I do it everytime now. I do it for full QT, or even if I’m doing a short freshwater dip for Gill flukes. Anything to help reduce potential stress that costs $0 and take 1 second of effort is A-ok in my book.

I’m very happy that the tang is acting normally. Hopefully the twitching behavior was a one-time thing.