It has been far to long.


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Good afternoon everyone,

It has been awhile since I have been on these forums. I have missed the reefing community so much over the past 2 years. Due to the location that the military has placed me reefing has not been a option due to laws... So in hope of my next location being where I would like it I have come to ask questions.
I am hopeful that in this coming location change that I will be able to open up my own saltwater/freshwater storefront. The only issue is I have no experience with this type of "thing" and I would love it if anyone that has or still runs one would be willing to give me some do's/don'ts.

I'm not asking for only business related help, anything would be awesome. Reef keeping was a hobby that grew on me at a alarming rate and addiction if you will lol. So I feel that with my desire to learn, create, and be successful will lead me to the dreams ad aspirations that I have in my life. I am young but that does not mean I will not understand so please feel free to express what ever opinion you may have.

Thank you for your time,
Welcome back to the ARC! I have found 3 threads that may help you. Here they are:

Very lengthly and contribution threads from 2011 until March 2014. You need some extra time to digress all the information in this thread."></a>



I've seen some members state here at ARC that going into the business side may/may not change your love of Reef Keeping as it was as a hobbyist. Some years back their was a sponsor [owner -- Ryan] from the Augusta area whom had an incredible business plan that I would give 10 out of 10. There are also some great sponsors whom are listed under the sponsors page that do a great job of providing services to the Atlanta area. I hope this information is helpful.

Shac owner of Reeshac, our newest sponsor was also a member/reefer like us. He has many recent do's and don't he could share. He's pretty bust though, give him a call to chat.
His store is only a year old and his experiences are fresh and easy to recall....
Hope your dreams come true!