It's a's a plane....

ms_ k

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No, it's a peacock mantis shrimp. OMG, she caught some serious air yesterday. I got her Sunday and acclimated her to her new 30 gallon long acrylic tank. It's pretty shallow, and I hadn't gotten the cover yet...didn't think it would be a big deal.

I was answering questions from one of my students, when I moved too suddenly. The mantis freaked, shot up out of her burrow, and I swear she cleared the top of the tank by at least a foot!!! Picture it...a 6-7" fat as can be peacock mantis in a perfect vertical leap, falling, flipping and punching, onto the countertop, seventh graders screaming in every corner of the I finally got her back in the tank, and she has recovered nicely.

Oh, BTW, the students recovered nicely as well. They were very excited to see her again today and to see that I had, indeed, covered her tank. No more flying stomatopods.
LOL,,, You could put someones eye out with that thing! 7" is a projectile at that point. ;)
Except the time I witnessed a shooting, it was the scariest thing I've ever seen!!! She was eye level in the air. I even had to look up a little, and she's HUGE!!!!!! LOL
Hey there, Big D. Sorry to snatch her out from under you...well, not really. I've been waiting a long time for a I love her already!!! Just so you know, she appears to have shell disease. She has a very small hole in her carapace and a pinpoint hole near her telson. Hopefully, she'll shed that with her next molt and will recover. She cleans it religiously. I thought about naming her Diva because she's always
I'll have to get some with my camera. Can't get them off my camera phone. Give me a day or two. "She's really quite gorgeous," says the proud mama. :D
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