Its bad, But why.

Fishlips;964741 wrote: Now you know the phosphate is going to read 0.But its not true.Nitrates are are good.Only keep 4 small fish in my 180.Have no sand, its a BB.In 8yrs of reefing, I have never even new what hair algae looked like.Im thinking it is the bryopisis algae. The sad thing is my sps corals have been looking good, got good color.

"Good" is subjective, not objective. Even if phosphate levels do read 0, the algae has to be fueled by something. Perhaps, as has been recounted many times on here before, the algae is consuming all the phosphate as part of its growth explosion.

If you stridently work to reduce your "0" phosphates, I'll bet you'll cure the problem too.
McPhock;964760 wrote: "Good" is subjective, not objective. Even if phosphate levels do read 0, the algae has to be fueled by something. Perhaps, as has been recounted many times on here before, the algae is consuming all the phosphate as part of its growth explosion.

If you stridently work to reduce your "0" phosphates, I'll bet you'll cure the problem too.

Even if its bryopsis .I have been working on the phosphates.Cut back on feeding.Gfo. manually removing crap.Im getting mixed direction.Almost every thread on several forums, claim that only way is with tech-m.Now im lost.
McPhock beat me to it.

Before you go on - how about posting all of your parameters?

Also, keep in mind that Magnesium (ie Tech M) is a SALT - so you need to keep an eye on your specific gravity if you're hyper-dosing.

Yes, you probably need to do something proactive, but seeing what your parameters are might glean some more information for a more holistic remedy. It's seldom just 'one thing'.

Ok, here some numbers.
Phos-0 not true, thats what it reads
In this thread is a little history of tank, for example, NEVER in 8 yrs of reefing had any type of hair algae, even the first yr without a ro/di.I know there is more then one thing causing this algae. Its the perfect storm.My plan for now is 30 gal wc, GFO, lite feeding(only 4 small fish in 180)cut back on lighting schedule. Tired of pulling out this junk, doing more damage then good.I have talked to friends from California to Florida that I know, They tell me Tech -mThat will be next.
Yes, When lights come on tomorrow, will take some, Thanks
Try again for a pics.
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When you look at it closely, is it 'feathery'? If so, it's likely Bryopsis.

Kind of hard to tell from the photos.

Manual removal at this point is your best course of action, along with trying to figure out what's causing it and addressing that.

I'm sorry for the terrible pics.Its seems like the more I try to remove it, even siphoning it out, it comes back.Jenn, I am going to pm you.