Jason's 45g Rimless Cube Build!


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Between work and multiple moves I haven't had a reef tank in a good bit. Well the time has come to finally bite the bullet again! Out of the 8 or so different reef tanks I've have over the years I've never kept a SPS dominated tank before and have always wanted to, so I decided It was time to go all out for once . I actually manage a local LFS so sometimes the last thing I want to do is come home and clean my own tank.. On that note I've got just about everything there is to add to my Apex on order. Mainly for control and piece of mind, but I really want to automate as much as I can; even down to water changes once the tanks established.

So far I've drilled the tank and installed a custom overflow I had built to my specs by Modular Marine. Defiantly check him out on eBay! His work is top notch and it was much nicer than I had expected when I received it! Its all cut via cnc, so not your typical router job. I had him make covers for the inner and outer box was well. Both of which fit absolutely perfect and actually snap into place. Very modestly priced for the quality as well!

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Even though our shop has a guy who does amazing cabinetry work, I decided I wanted to give building my own stand a go again. This time I purchased a pocket hole jig to make it much cleaner. I must say its one of the best tools I've purchased over the years and I'm kicking myself for not getting one sooner!

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I'm building the entire thing out of poplar and some various pine trim pieces and plan on giving it a nice stain. Haven't decided how I want the doors just yet, but truly that can even wait until the tanks plumed up and going.

Even though I'm lucky enough to have double doors to my exterior of my current residence, I wanted to be able to fit the stand though your typical 29" door frame later down the road. So that's one reason it sits so low, the other.. I actually love the height! Will be super easy for maintenance, perfect view when sitting on my couch or multiple chairs I have in the room, as well as the lower it is, the lower the light will be so its less likely to blind you while sitting down .

The stand measures 32"x 32"x 27". It will have three doors. Two that you can access the sump area, and the third will be nothing but a wall of all the fun apex modules and other electronic gadgets.

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I just threw an old shelf on top of the frame to get a feel for the look here. Also I'm sitting down on my couch about 10 feet away. I think its going to be perfect!

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Made a little more progress on the stand tonight. Ran out of wood so will pick back up once I have time to pick up more supplies.

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Also a sneak peak at some goodies that came in the mail recently

Vertex Omega 150

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ATI 24" 8 Bulb T5 LED Hybid... Overkill?.. Nahhhh

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I forget the current bulb combo, but they are all ATI's I believe.

Ohh and I cherry picked some fresh pukani earlier this week and played around a bit. Got it all curing now.

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looks great Jason. Cant wait to see this come together.You have only talked about setting up a tank for what 3 years?
Ha shut it Brandon :p. Hoarding tanks and equipment turned into a hobby to fill my void for awhile :p
The rest of my toys from BRS came in today :D
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Oh and can't forget this beast that's going to be running everything! If you haven't noticed I like to go overkill...
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On the stand, what is your plan to support the weight of the tank? It doesn't look like there is any vertical support directly under the tank. You will probably have issues with the top bowing (sinking) without vertical members under the tank or some sort of super strong top.
I'm in love with the light too! The USB adapter for it came in today so now I can play with the programing. When I turn just the leds on the entire room lights up....

I had planned on a center brace as the tank is about 4"s away from the legs that are truly taking all the weight, but I'd rather not have something sticking down as it's already tight for space verticaly underneath. It still currently as pictured in the last photo I posted. I think it's actually plenty strong though, as that isn't a sheet of ply wood, it's multiple 1/6's sitting on top of the frame. Also the tank over laps the first and last 1/6 that will be directly ontop of the legs.
Got my sump from Advanced Acrylics in today. I'm thoroughly impressed with the craftsmanship and attention to detail!

I had them keep everything white like on their standard modle except had them make my baffles red to go with all my vertex stuff :up:. Also had a 3 hole probe holder added as well as a 4 hole dosing tube holder.
Very nice sump no thought about going with them but passed because of their horror stories. I may try them in the future though. I loke the built in ATO container.
You know after I had already ordered it I started to read some things that had happend to others dealing them in the past and it bothered me a bit, but since day one of my first phone call they have been nothing but awesome about customer service when it came to answering my emails in a timely manner. From the time I put In my order to the time I recieved it, it was maybe a little over 2 weeks. And few days of that was my fualt because they where still awaiting payment for some things i had added on last min. So.after filtering though my spam folder I found the paypal invoice and as soon and I paid the invoice they emailed me my tracking info and it whent out the next day
Made some more progress on the stand today. Had planned on being done by now but just been busy with other projects as well.

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Top will be hinged for access.

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Got the bottom cut to fit. Now just to add the inner wall on the right side for all the electronics.

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