Fingers crossed that the Neptune shipment shows up tomorrow! It was shipped out Monday so id assume it will be here this week. Thennn Iv'e just got to wait on my two MP40w QD's and battery back up.
Oh yeah almost forgot! I picked up these incredibly bright linkable LED's from Lowes. Two 24" strips will be in the main sump area and one 18" strip in the electronics side. I'm waiting on my magnetic door/window "security strips" to come in yet. The plan is to wire them into my Apex's break out Box and the LED's will automatically turn on and off when the doors are opened and closed.
Yeah I went there! Lol yes spray on bed liner :confused2: Cant stand how normal paint always seems to end up getting scratched off when doing the final tank install.. I say this from experience of doing so on wayyyy to many customers tanks and It always drove me nuts, so I figured why not.
I may have overlooked it in a previous post, but where did you get the tank from? I am thinking of doing something similarly sized soon. Also, are the dims 24x24x18?