jin's tank is awesome!


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got some frags from jin tonight and just wanted to let everyone know his tank is insane!! and he has some big a$$ cats!:eek:) thanks again jin and see you soon to give you even more $...:thumbs:
My cats are bigger and better then Jins... But his tank does thow mine to shame!!! Anyone who can use a litter box as a sump has my vote!!!
i have to say brandon does win with the cats, sorry jin but his cat can feed a starving family for a week.
My cat is bigger than 2-3 of Jin's dogs...But he does have the most beautiful tank in the whole wide world.....And a very big school of wrasses....and they are very smart....from going to/being in a big school...

Yeah...Jin's tank is nice..if you like that kinda of beautiful, colorful, gorgeous, well manacured, superb, clean, bright, awesome sorta of tanks!!!!
I'm not sure awesome is enough for Jin's tank:D The thought that went into his coral choices and placement is just out-of-this-world.

I got attacked by his siamese mix though. Guess I'll never get to see that beautiful tank again....LOL. I know when I'm not wanted.
My cat's are nothing compared to Brandon's.... Those things are downright prehistoric.

Jonboy, that cat can sense EVIL. You are wrotten the core son. Repent!

Thanks guys, on the props. It gives me the fuzzies, but it's honestly got a long way to go imo. :)