JJ Ocean's 420g Reef

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HiImSean;846835 wrote: tank looks awesome john. how's your breeding coming along?

<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">Not much at all on the clown breeding front. Given the time contraints I’ve had over the last year and putting my remaining energy into getting the new tank going, I actually downsized and sold off most of my pairs. If I breed any going forward, it will only be the rarer species (chrysogaster & latz). I had a set back on the gasters and the latz are real young, so those are still a way off though. The only other pair I have now is a pair of black O’s that my son has in his tank – no plans to breed/raise those at the moment.</span></span>

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leveldrummer;846945 wrote: can you take a picture of the side of the tank?

<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">It is hard to see since the side is covered by a lot of the cabinets, but here’s my best shot.</span></span>

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I’ve only had time to work on getting the tank up and going in small chunks of time. Makes it hard to make a lot of progress. Right now it is all plumbed into the main system and operating. I’m running a bean animal drain setup and am very happy with it. The only change I have is that I’m running 2 emergency drains vs. 1. I have a Reeflo Hammerhead running wide open on the 6 return lines. The siphon drain is wide open as well to handle the volume. Shocking how much flow exits a 1.5” line in full siphon. Spent a lot of time installing and configuring float switches … high water (stop everything and alert – something really bad happened), low water (turn off return pumps) and running water line (control ATO).

The large base rock formations and sand are in now. Carbon, GFO, etc. is up and running too. The bottom and top cabinets are going in place this Saturday. The front return lines and lighting are temporary until that is in place – not the final position. Mounting of those 2 items will be done Sat night or Sunday. I haven’t had the time to take many pics, but here is a shot from my iPhone of where it is at (only half of the lighting temporarily up in that pic). Lighting came down last night and the lighting support bars are being welded today.

Hopefully next week, I will start moving over the mature live rock into the tank. After that I will transfer everything in phases: 1. Coral, Anemones & Inverts 2. Fish (minus tangs) and let them settle in a week 3. Tangs (introduced all at once)

<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-family: Verdana"><span style="font-size: 12px">Since all of the system is plumbed, I won’t need to acclimate anything, so that makes moving a lot easier.</span></span> </span></span>

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Looking awesome man, I may have to stop by and check it out. Let me know if you need any help moving the rocks over.
I really like this setup! Reminds me the Marine Desings main display, but instead of being peninsula tank this one has C2C overflow and I like it that much better! Awesome size and well situated on the site!
Thanks for all the feedback. Here are some better shots of the aquascape. All the lighting is not up, so there are probably more shadows now than when fully installed. My primary focus was on having an open sand channel on the left third of the tank, a high pillar on the left back corner (boomie to isolate my large magnifica anemone) and keep the 2 large formations in triangles with staggered heights. Also, with the 36” tall tank I wanted to have decent height on the formations. The base rock formations are somewhat isolated right now, but when I add the mature live rock to the tank the gaps between the large structures should blend a whole lot more. Hopefully, I will get that done this weekend and post more pics. I will also cut down the black vinyl on the sides once the trim goes up Sat. It is probably blocking 10-12 inches of the side views right now.

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<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-family: Verdana"><span style="font-size: 12px">
leveldrummer;854573 wrote: VERY NICE! is this going to be a mixed reef or will you lean more towards a specific type of coral?

Mostly SPS. I probably have 25-30 different varieties right now. There will be some LPS, but definitely SPS dominated. LPS – couple of my favorite chalices and acans in there. Plus my dragon soul favia, rainbow welso & yellow goni. All LPS real low in the water column.

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Islandreef;854609 wrote: Looking awesome man, I may have to stop by and check it out. Let me know if you need any help moving the rocks over.

Just text me if you want to swing by … plan to work on it most of the weekend.

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joseayes;854623 wrote: I really like this setup! Reminds me the Marine Designs main display, but instead of being peninsula tank this one has C2C overflow and I like it that much better! Awesome size and well situated on the site!

Yes, I certainly like the Marine Design tank. I also had Creation’s large coral cube, SEA’s reef display and Pure Reef’s main reef display in the back of my head. However, my primary inspiration came from the photo below … clearly defined sand channel off-centered and cutting back diagonally with rising base formations front to back. The fact that it is covered with absolutely gorgeous coral doesn’t hurt! My livestock will be more SPS with large tangs, but my source of inspiration none the less. The tank is from a hobbyist in Japan. If mine comes anywhere close, I will be thrilled.

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Great build and I wouldn't add any more rock, it's very nice the way it is. Wait until your SPS starts to fill in the space, you'll be glad you didn't. (.....but to each his own. You can always take some back out later) Very nice job so far.
JJ Ocean;854749 wrote:
Yes, I certainly like the Marine Design tank. I also had Creation’s large coral cube, SEA’s reef display and Pure Reef’s main reef display in the back of my head. However, my primary inspiration came from the photo below … clearly defined sand channel off-centered and cutting back diagonally with rising base formations front to back. The fact that it is covered with absolutely gorgeous coral doesn’t hurt! My livestock will be more SPS with large tangs, but my source of inspiration none the less. The tank is from a hobbyist in Japan. If mine comes anywhere close, I will be thrilled.

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Dont trick your brain too much on this. This is a very famous Japanese tank, that......has no filtration. How so?! It gets a natural flow through of ocean water. A constant natural water change. Including all the natural planktonic elements that we, as land locked hobbyists, cant even fathom to provide. Hence the tremendous population of NPS corals. Certainly a beautiful tank, but difficult to achieve without that huge benefit.
JJ Ocean;854749 wrote:
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This is what I've always wanted my tank to look like. I love the minimal rock and large open area look.

Nice build so far.
I was just reading, this tank is 36" tall?! Prepare to get wet whenever youre servicing!! I work on a 30" and its almost too much. And are those lights AIs? You think they have enough punch? Did you PAR test them by chance?

The rockwork seems very Chingchai
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<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Calibri">Jmaneyapanda – crazy that you pulled Ching’s tank out of that aquascape. His tank has always been a favorite of mine and the height aspect I did pull from his aquascape … just didn’t mention it in my post. I didn’t incorporate some of his inverted features, but it definitely was a big influence. The guys in Asia have some of the best aquascapes around IMO.</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-size: 13px"> </span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Calibri">On adding more rock, I probably will add very little. Outside opinions certainly help in that area. Knowing when to stop is probably the hardest thing to do in aquascaping. However, I do need to add some on the top of the ledge/cave formation to break up the cut slab. Some break up was already done on the front and side edges with LR fragments and mortar, but the top still needs a little. I also have to move some LR over that are tied into a couple of my major colonies. I’ll take it one step at a time.</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-size: 13px"> </span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Calibri">As for lighting, I was always planning to go 100% LED, but I originally thought I would go the Radion route … maybe the new AI Vegas. However, neither had the punch of the AI Sols to get the par down through the water column I had. The 36” height became the major decision point for my lighting. I par tested the Radions. AI knew my tank specs and told me the Sols would out par the Vegas on my setup, so I took their word for it and didn’t test those. At 8” above the water and 100% on all three colors, the AI Sols put 740-800 par down on the top of the high pillar on the left and 180-210 par on the sand. I will run them at reduced white percentage for the install.</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-size: 13px"> </span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Calibri">Are the AIs perfect – no. Along with the punch comes some spotlighting and they don’t have the color spectrum of some of the other LED options. To offset the spot lighting, I will be running 10 Sols over the tank resulting in a lot of overlap. I will also augment the color spectrum with Magenta and pure actinic LEDs. I will see how that goes. The fact I have 2 years experience with the AI Sols over SPS didn’t hurt my decision either.</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-size: 13px"> </span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Calibri">I’ll post some pics of what I get done this weekend.</span></span>
JJ Ocean;855189 wrote: <span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Calibri">I will also augment the color spectrum with Magenta and pure actinic LEDs. </span></span>

How will you go about doing that?