June 2020 Meeting - Georgia Aquarium Tropical Diver Exhibit Update


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Hi Everyone,

What: We're fortunate enough to have Steve from the GAI give us an indepth update on the Tropical Diver Exhibit. This is my personal favorite aquarium exhibit anywhere as its the massive, king of all reef tanks and it has grown tremendously over the years. The corals and fish are just breathtaking to behold... Steve will be going over some of what makes it tick and other updates about the exhibit. I can't wait :). As usual we will be giving away $500 in gift cards that our club has purchased from sponsors.

Where: Zoom. We are still doing virtual meetings. Things are getting better imo and we'll look to have some in person meetings soon but we're taking this month by month. The zoom meeting information is posted below.

When: 6/14/20 from 2-4pm

AtlantaReefClub Videos is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ARC June 14, 2020 Meeting
Time: Jun 14, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Password: 805732
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Meeting ID: 846 7255 4151
Password: 805732
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Yah sorry, the presenter didn't see you guys. He's added anyone in the waiting room.
Great meeting everyone!

Thank you again to Jin, Steve, and everyone else involved in setting this up!
Great meeting, lost power the last 5 minutes of it.... how did it end

It went well! We had an extended Q&A with questions regarding nutrient uptake of mangroves, skimmers, and volunteering at Georgia aquarium.

I believe Jin also recorded the meeting. So you guys should be able to review it once it's uploaded.