Just a bad freakin day in reefing

wantsummora acropora

Well-Known Member
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No help needed just venting and didn't know where to put it.
I've been having trouble with my Trident so I called Neptune. When they got back to me they asked me to take it a part and send pictures so I did. Somewhere along the line a cable came loose so I reattached it...backwards. Totally fried my Trident. 🤬🤬🤬
I almost have dino's beat. Having to clean the skimmer cup after treating with Dino x, I proceeded to remove the cup and dropped the nasty lid in the sump creating a big splash that went directly into my mouth. First time tank taster here. I want to throw up so bad. Heading outside to hose out the cup and I drop it on the concrete 2" from the grass and it shatters. I need that cup. Minus over $800 dollars in less than 2 hours. Anybody else got a bad reefing day story that will make me say, "Damn, at least I didn't have to go through that". Some perspective would really help. Sorry if it's at your expense.
Yours Truly,
Potty Mouth
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Sorry for your bad day, I wish some easy reefing upon you.

And Gag, I was cleaning my skimmer cup the other day and bobbled it and managed to grab it at the last minute and splashed it in my face and all over the front of my shirt. So nasty.

I also have the prestige of having a tank fail that dropped 50 gallons through my floor to the apartment below me on top of that dude's entertainment setup. TV, stereo etc... I guess that was a worst day for him than me.
If it makes you feel any better , My concentrated 100% saturated prilled Iodine alcohol solution dumped in the tank. I dont know how much , only that I could smell it and watched all the fish leap out of the tank. The corals made it so far and are recovering.
If it makes you feel any better , My concentrated 100% saturated prilled Iodine alcohol solution dumped in the tank. I dont know how much , only that I could smell it and watched all the fish leap out of the tank. The corals made it so far and are recovering.
Geez, Sorry to hear that. May I ask what do you use that solution for in your tank?
Sorry for your bad day, I wish some easy reefing upon you.

And Gag, I was cleaning my skimmer cup the other day and bobbled it and managed to grab it at the last minute and splashed it in my face and all over the front of my shirt. So nasty.

I also have the prestige of having a tank fail that dropped 50 gallons through my floor to the apartment below me on top of that dude's entertainment setup. TV, stereo etc... I guess that was a worst day for him than me.
A tank failure is my worst nightmare. I invested in some cleanup equipment just in case. Also working on a 2nd tank to save the most valuable corals and fish. I'm thankful my setup is in the basement on a concrete slab with a ceramic tile floor. Better luck in the future my friend.