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Hello all. I am a new member and I wanted to say hi. I am new to the SW hobby. I have a 55g FOWLR that has been up for about 9 months. I plan on taking it down so I can turn it into a DIY sump for the new 180g tank I am picking up this weekend. The 180g will be an in wall set up in the bonus room I am finishing. I'll post a rough draft of my DIY sump so you guys can tell me where I am making mistkaes. I hope to use a ASM G-3 skimmer but I haven't decided what to use as a return pump. I am open to suggestions. :D Also, if anyone out there has any good ideas or drawings of a DIY stand for an in wall 180g (72X24X25), please feel free to share. I plan on making it a perimeter supported stand with 8 legs made from 4X4s and 3/4 inch plywood on the top.
Welcome to the family! Good luck with the new tank. You can check out http://www.melevsreef.com">Melevsreef </a>for ideas of Sump ideas, and other DIY projects.

that stand sounds perfect, with 4x4's you'll be able to hold 4 times that weight. Cant wait to see some setup pics! And of course, welcome!!!