Just Joined!


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Hey! I'm a newbie to the ARC and reefing! Just wanted to introduce myself! I have a second hand, 20 gallon saltwater tank with 2 clownfish, 1 pearly jawfish, and soon to be two new fish. I'll have to get back to you on all the equipment (filters, ect) and I'll post some pics soon!
Be expecting lots of questions from me, as I haven't been doing this long, merely a month or two! Thanks!
Welcome! Glad to have you...be careful about going to fast with the fish additions...it takes time to keep all healthy..

Welcome...go slow, ask lotsa questions. You'll find ARC is filled with a lot of knowledable folks and you'll always find an answer (at least one) to any questions you might have. :yes:
welcome to the club!

Ssssssssss-ssssssss-Slow with adding new fish. doing it slowly means you'll be replacing them a lot less. i learned the hard way.

Trust me... there's time, and you'll have a lot more fun!
The weather is great it fregreg! Thanks! Now, how do I fix that to say Duluth instead of fregreg?
I drove through fregreg once. Nice folks.

Welcome to the club. Looking forward to the details of your tank!
Thanks so much! I still haven't figured this whole site out yet, so bare with me!
You know, this is such a big site, I might have more questions about the site than my tank for a while
Give me your thoughts on this: I was gonna get a 1 inch hippo tang, and <u>maybe </u>a clown goby, but otherwise stick with the hippo tang. Our tank has got plenty of algae in it, and so that's why I thought of the hippo tang! But this would be two weeks from now... so ya.
I'm jealous of you guys, you all have huge reef aquariums (compared to mine) and they all look and sound so well established! You should see mine. I'll post some pics soon!
I would say "NO" on the tang. They may be small, but being in confined spaces can stunt a fish's growth.

Oh, and welcome!
Welcome to the club Radha....

Any tang in less than 55 G = bad idea.
Blennies are great.....bicolor is one of my favorites :)
Good luck..