Just Joined!

Thanks! What do ya think of some small cardinalfish, a pair? I love to breed fish, and would love for my cardianlfish to have fry! And don't worry, I have a refugium!
Nah, I like having clowns, they have looks and personality.... what is another colorful fish that is full of personality? What about a small reef safe wrasse?
Firefish or a goby.

There's tons of gobies to choose from here:

Sweet! Ok, now, I have to add on to my expectations, I would like a fish that: has great personality, will get along with clownfish and jawfish, is colorful, and will breed and reproduce easily! I know, I'm extremely picky, but my tank means EVERYTHING to me, and so I have a lot of things I want. Oh well, we all get a little greedy, right?
Thanks! You wanna know what's weird? I know they are a mated pair, but one of them is false percula, one is true, and they get along perfectly. One is a lot redder than the other (that's true I think) and one is plain orange (false). I would want to see what their fry would look like!
at least radha's asking before making purchases. yea listen to them, 20g is way too small for some of teh fish you want unfortunately. get a 4 lined wrasse, they are awesome.
Can't go to the meeting! Sorry! Man, that sounds tempting... can't pull it right now though, not enough money. I'm just barely hanging on to the tank! Maybe later this year! Next month I'll come to the meeting, though!
I got.... an orang spotted blenny! Anyone have experience with them? He is hiding right now.