Just joined :)


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I'm keeping fish again after a 15 year hiatus, and falling in love with it all over again.

I just set up a 50 gallon, with a Marineland Emperor 280 HOB Filter and Seaclone 100 Protein Skimmer. I purchased the water and live rock from my LFS, Pure Reef. They were really nice about answering questions and helping me out.

Now I'm cycling the tank with two tiny clownfish and the live rock. I should have been patient enough to do it with just the live rock, I know. :blush: It'll be FOWLR for a few months at least, until I'm confident that I have a handle on keeping the tank parameters at good levels.

The extent to which I enjoy watching those two little fish is absurd! lol. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the members at the meeting tomorrow night.

Welcome to the club!!!! So the rock was live rock correct? Hopefully you wont really cycle with it being live rock. Just keep an eye on amoninia levels so you dont hurt the two clowns you love so much. Ask all the questions you want here and they will be answered. We love pics as well!!!
There are many more humane ways to cycle live rock than with live fish. Ammonia is lethal to fish. I would rehome those clowns and cycle in a more acceptable way.

Welcome to ARC!
Learning how to take photos of an aquarium is definitely going to take some research... anyway, here's a less-than-perfect picture of the initial setup, and a couple snapshots of the residents.

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Welcome to ARC. If you have any question just ask.... Lots of experience people on here daily that are always more than happy to help out