No, that does not mean that you are ready, or does it? See, the point is: how mature is your system? Furthermore, what corals are you looking to start with? Everything in this hobby has to be done slowly and consistently, having that said, I would say you can try adding cheap frags, but don't go too crazy and you might waste money killing corals.
Additionally, I don't typically trust any LFS to tell me that my water params are perfect. I'd suggest you:
1) post here the age of your tank;
2) post here the test results for your tank (alk, ca, mg, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate);
3) buy a decent (RedSea and Salifert are good starters) test kit and learn/get in the habit of testing your water yourself.
Nonetheless, all of us have made few mistakes on this road, so don't overreact if you do the same, it's part of the learning curve.
Let us know if you need extra help, good luck and keep reefing!