Kalk Reactor vs. Calcium Reactor


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For weeks now I've been going back and forth between Calcium Reactor (CR-2 Dual) and Nilsen (Kalk) Reactors. I can't make up my mind and I can't figure out if there's an advantage one way or another in terms of the size of my system.

my tank specs:
Display tank volume = 70gal
Refugium volume = 20gal
most of corals are sps

thanks for the help
Either or both would be of benefit. Many people use both.

I have never used a calcium reactor, but have extensively used kalk reactors on tanks from 125 down to 15. The main concern is that you have enough evaporation to need the makeup water to dose kalk effectively. If you don't evap enough, you will water down your system over time lowering salinity. Where that "enough evaporation" point is depends on system load.

For my next tank, I'm going to do kalk + calcium additive (which will actually be 1/2 of a two part solution) instead of 2 part or just kalk.
thank you, George.
I don't know exactly how much water is evaporated . I think it is about 1/2 of gal daily. I have tunze osmolator auto top-off.
If you dont' have a high calcium intake (i.e. mainly large SPS and clams). I would first get the kalk reactor and use that as top off. Eventually when your tank exceeds the calcium benefits of the kalk reactor, you can add a calcium reactor at a later date. I have been using the kalk reactor for years and they are easily to dial in.
thank you, Trinh.
Well, let's see who is going to become the President. If Obama win, I would go with Kalk Reactor and if McCain win, I would order Calcium Reactor.
:D :D :D
I think Trinh is right on. But, if I remember right from your pics you are rapidly stocking your tank with sps and clams, so the time for a CA reactor might be rapidly approaching you. I t would really depend on your calcium depletion rate.
Like George said, many people use both (they "Cancel" each others' ph effect out).

You have a decent amout of top-off, so a good Nilsen will work really well. The beauty of it is that it won't become unusable as your tank grows.
I'd argue that the two can both be used for supplementing calcium, but they go about it in much different ways. Kalk reactor is much cheaper, but not as effective in maintaining calcium. The ability of a kalk reactor to deliver calcium is also dependent upon your top off rate and the ability to control pH. If your main concern is calcium, then a calcium reactor will be better suited for you. If you're trying to cut costs or are looking for a simple solution to help with basic calcium demands, then a kalk reactor can fit the bill.

Be aware that a kalk reactor is a disaster waiting to happen, in my opinion (and experience... twice). It only takes a simple failure of one device to wipe out your entire tank. A calcium reactor is a bit more forgiving...
I dose calk in my top off but i do not use a "reactor". I have a 30G trash can in another room that's filled with RO once every 2 weeks or so. I then add an estimated amount of Kalkswasser to the water and mix it. Once it settels down I plug the ATO back in and let it top off as normal. The PH of my top off water is around 12, cal and alk are high also. I evap 1 gallon a day and the top off keeps my PH and a rock steady 8.2-8.3 and alk at 9-10.

I do dose cal additive to keep up with the tank's demands. I lose about 10PPM a week of cal with the kalk top off working. It's just not enough to keep up with my cal demand. If i were to add more Kalk to my top off water I would over Alkline my tank trying to meet the cal demand.

It's been working for me for aver a year now and it's simple. The only thing that i have to take care of every couple months is the 1/4" line that feeds the aqualifter pump. It gets clogged like a fat mans arteries from the kalk. A quick removal and a trip outside where i whip it around and brake up the plaque inside and it's good to go.

Wow, i got on a kalk rant.
Thank you very much for sharing your opinion and experience. After reading your posts of this thread and other thread, I decided that I am going with a dual Calcium Reactor. There are a few reasons:
1. My tank is going to be a dominant SPS tank
2. It's easy, automation and worry free
3. Calcium reactor cost a lot more for setup, but I think it's worth and I would not have to spend more money on this if I upgrade to a bigger tank.
