ok so I've been lookin at the best way to dose kalk into my tank, I have a float switch that is hooked up to a 8g res tank with a lid, only thing is when it tops off it kinda flows quite a bit and I dont have a sump, just a lil AC500 on the back of the tank. Do you think I should modify the AC to have some baffles in it and have the top off drop the kalk top off water in that area so it mixes as much as possible befor being introduced into the tank, or do you think some sort of kalk reactor would be better? I've been lookin at DIY reactors and making it is no issue, just a lil confused on how you get it from the reactor to the tank. I see that some people have it set up with high priced dosers but thats out of my budget. Any suggestions for a reactor or should I just try to baffle the AC and go with that? Thanks.
Lee - glxtrix
Lee - glxtrix