Keeping Tangs Together


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I currently have a 125 gallon tank and I have a Blue Hippo tang and a yellow Tang together. They are rather large. I was thinking about adding another Tang of some sort maybe like a Naso or a Cole, but initially the new fish would be quite a bit smaller although I have lots of rock in my tank to hide. Anyone had this combo or have any suggestions?
I have had problems with adding tangs together in the past. Usually the best way to do it is to add the most aggressive tang last. In your case, it would be the yellow. If not done that way, the new tang will probably get harrassed. But there are methods to overcome this.

I've got a powder brown, blue regal, and yellow together and I put them in in reverse order. My regal was the last fish I put in and he was about 1/4 quarter of the size of the other two and I think that helped.
I'm looking to add a Purple Tang and a Powder Brown, which should be added first?
Wouldn't adding both at the same time reduce the potential for conflict? I think if you put either one in first, the likelyhood of one of them becoming territorial would be reduced.
1PERCULA;347331 wrote: Wouldn't adding both at the same time reduce the potential for conflict? I think if you put either one in first, the likelyhood of one of them becoming territorial would be reduced.

Yes best way to do it IMO. As long as your system is large enough to handle the added bioload of course.
andregarcia_73;347335 wrote: I have 4 tangs in a 240. The yellow was first, then the naso, then I added a brazilian ocean tang and a Blue hippo at the same time. No conflicts at all. But then I later added an achillies and man it was WAR! SO i would add them at the same time or whatever since my Yellow and naso came from my 55. Adding groups of fish always seems to help them survive (i.e. chromis, I rest my case)
lol how is the achillies.. andre? im the guy that was there the day you got it
Agreed with james. All at the same time is best if your tank can handle it.

If not, then the best is from mildest to wildest on agression level. The purple tang is about one of the meanest. Powder Browns are supposed to be mildly aggressive but mine isn't aggressive at all." alt="" />

Just throw them in and hope for the best!!!

Just kidding of course.
Yessum. This will be after the upgrade, which hopefully will happen in 2 weeks, give everything a month or two to settle, then the 75 will be the QT, hoping for 4-5" specimens.