Kh, Ca, Mg, Ph


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Which one do you have the most trouble maintaining? If you care to post your experiences, add which chemical(s) you are using/how often, along with your water volume.

For me it's KH in both of my reef tanks. I use two part Kent with the addition of Seachem powder (Reef Builder), Seachem Mag, and Kent (or Leslies pool supply Hardness Plus) Turbo Calcium. I dose two part (almost) daily and I rotate the powders out so I dose each once a week.
for me it's PH. At night i run a tube outside for my skimmer intake to keep the PH above 7.8. During the day it's 8.2 because of the lights.
MG and usually off the most after water changes. Just switched to SeaChem reef salt so hopefully that will do the trick.
My challenge has always been maintaining pH and likewise DkH. I don't really try to chase a number anymore, so long as the values remain fairly constant. The system has about 325 Gallons in the combined tanks, sump and refugium. My pH stays around 8.0-8.1 but will vary at night even with reverse cycle lighting on the refugium and a ton of macro. The KH value is around 7.5, Calc is usually around 400-425. When I check Mag it is usually around 1250. I do not keep many SPS so I am not as concerned about higher values and the organisms I have seem to be doing pretty well and growing. I use Two Part Solutions recipe #1 for calc and alk and mag. Dosing is done alternate nights on calc and alk. I tried the aquavitro line for pH and Calc and Balance but really did not see much difference. This is one aspect of the hobby that still baffles me so I just try to maintain a fairly constant environment.
Have you ever tested for this in your system? Should be 0.06mg/L NSW.

Tim at Keen had me start testing for it. It is needed in the system for proper growth of Inverts, Macro algaes.

Usualy in salt mixes. It is rapidly used up or tossed out by skimming and ozone. Daily doesing with a safe form of Iodide is recomended.

Anyway I add it as I should, but it seems to always be used up. Once in a while I find NSW concentrations.

JAustin;311927 wrote: what in earth are you doing trying to maintain Iodide levels?
I used to have a real issue maintaining pH levels even close to 8.0. Now that I have decent light in my sump on at night, it's been a lot easier. Most of the time it's right around 8.0 give or take 0.1.

CA has been fairly easy to maintain. MG I haven't tested but will be this weekend. And KH was the low end of normal last I checked.
For me, it is Mg. Not that it is a problem, I just have to add a lot of it to keep it at a decent level. My CA and Alk are kept in good range by the CA reactor. Before the CA reactor, I could never get CA and Alk in the right range at the same time...
I don't chase pH. I monitor it for big swings but I don't worry about it that much...
It seems there MAY be a connection here: although we need more information from other members to be sure!

If you run a Calcium Reactor, It's you your Mg levels.

Depending upon the size of your system, a night light on your fuge will help stabilize the drop in Ph overnight.

Quality salt for water changes with the right amount of elements is essential.
I think I heard that IO has about 900-1000 Mg. I was thinking of switching after I use up my stockpile. Anyone else know of the Mg values of other brands of salt? i.e. IO Reef Crystals, Seachem, etc...
Mystery Box added this to a resent salt thread.

from rc mods:

Calcium Alkalinity Magnesium

Aquatic Gardens
430 8 1240
560 9 1380
Crystal Sea Marinemix
340 9 1050
Crystal Sea Marinemix Bio-Assay
340 9 1050
Instant Ocean
350 12 1070
540 11 1200
Marine Environment
480 7.5 1450
580 8.5 1650
510 10 1320
Red Sea
400 8 1300
Red Sea Coral Pro
490 7 1300
Reef Crystals
420 12 1260
SeaChem Marine Salt
500 10 1400
SeaChem Reef Salt
540 10 1450
Tropic Marin
375 10 1230
Tropic Marin Pro Reef
450 8.5 1380
Tunze Reef Salt
420 9.5 1350
thanks for the aknowlegdement! Anyway, I have no trouble maintaining any of the above numbers. Mag doesn't get depleted fast unless you use a salt with low mag. Every water change will then deplete it. So if you use a salt that keeps it at the level u want it, once you get it there, it should stay there except for an occasional addition. Ph is 8.2. Same thing. The salt plus 2 part keeps it their. A reactor will be a little trickier. I keep my alk 2 points dkh more than I want due to the amount of borate in the salt (which helps the ph and mag soluable. Calcium, same, high calcium in salt and 2 part.
Been having good success with dosing bulk reef two part solution and dripping some kalk in a gallon jug. Sounds like overkill but it works for my tank. Inexpensive as well and I don't have to bake the baking soda.
I missed what type of salt you are using! Let us in on the secret! Thanks!

mysterybox;317680 wrote: thanks for the aknowlegdement! Anyway, I have no trouble maintaining any of the above numbers. Mag doesn't get depleted fast unless you use a salt with low mag. Every water change will then deplete it. So if you use a salt that keeps it at the level u want it, once you get it there, it should stay there except for an occasional addition. Ph is 8.2. Same thing. The salt plus 2 part keeps it their. A reactor will be a little trickier. I keep my alk 2 points dkh more than I want due to the amount of borate in the salt (which helps the ph and mag soluable. Calcium, same, high calcium in salt and 2 part.