Kullas 50g tank build

About 21 frags of softie, Lps and some hardy sps
4 fish, 2 clowns a yellow coris wrasse and a tomini tang
First, nice looking start to your reef. I almost chose the same tank for my display. Thanks for posting!

As for using eggcrate under rocks to keep them off of the glass bottom, I’ve done that for years. While it helps keep the rock off of the bottom, the big reason I like to use it is that it restricts pistol shrimp from tunneling under and destabilizing the rock. I use just enough eggcrate to support the rock at contact points with the tank bottom.

The ‘nitrate factory’ theory came about when plenums under the gravel were all the rage. I ran one on a 125 gallon reef, but would not recommend them. A plenum is structure used to create a gap between the gravel & tank bottom. Plenums were touted as a means to promote denitrification. They clearly did not produce enough positive results to still be in use.

A last point is that nitrate doesn’t just appear in a reef tank. It’s the result of an excess of free nitrogen, usually from feeding, without a balance in uptake via algae or bacteria. So, there really is no such thing as a nitrate ‘factory’.
First, nice looking start to your reef. I almost chose the same tank for my display. Thanks for posting!

As for using eggcrate under rocks to keep them off of the glass bottom, I’ve done that for years. While it helps keep the rock off of the bottom, the big reason I like to use it is that it restricts pistol shrimp from tunneling under and destabilizing the rock. I use just enough eggcrate to support the rock at contact points with the tank bottom.

The ‘nitrate factory’ theory came about when plenums under the gravel were all the rage. I ran one on a 125 gallon reef, but would not recommend them. A plenum is structure used to create a gap between the gravel & tank bottom. Plenums were touted as a means to promote denitrification. They clearly did not produce enough positive results to still be in use.

A last point is that nitrate doesn’t just appear in a reef tank. It’s the result of an excess of free nitrogen, usually from feeding, without a balance in uptake via algae or bacteria. So, there really is no such thing as a nitrate ‘factory’.
I wound up not using the egg crate I just put the rock on the glass and then added the sand. A long time ago I remember my mom using a under gravel filter in her freshwater tank. After awhile my nitrates began to climb and I was having to clean the glass ever couple days and noticed some hair algae in the rock. I added some chaeto to the refuge now I'm cleaning the glass ever 10 to 12 days and the algae on the rock work is almost all gone.