LED question for DAVE


Well-Known Member
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hi Dave.. I forgot your screen name....

I'm considering going LED!!! right?!

I don't want something sub par, and am willing to pay for great lights. I'm considering the newer radion Pro models at around $750 / light.

question is ... is there something out there that I'm missing that I should consider ... and why?

of course I'll have a SLAMMED sps tank.

Thanks for any help..
oh.. and other ppl are welcome to reply.

<!-- gcu-updated ame -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNHE5ebtBhs<!-- gcu-updated /ame -->

blowing smoke?
Hey B, you referring to Dave (Acroholic) ?

By the way you can't go wrong with the Radions they are awesome! If you have the funds for them get them.
Now wait just a minute!!!! Your jumping off the T5 band wagon???? :)
I don't know if this is for me, but I wouldn't use Radions over an SPS tank. I have two Radion G2 Pros over my softie/LPS tank and they rock. I would tell you to buy Radions for a mixed tank in a heartbeat. But not for SPS.

Best thing I did in my 465, bar none, was switching back to Radium Halides. Color is better. I won't go into the pluses and minuses of halides vs LEDs, as we all know those by now.

Until something comes along that gives better SPS color for me than Halides, I won't switch. Been there and done that twice.

Honestly, if you are determined to have or try LEDs over your new reef, I would consult with Reggie (reeferman), as from what I can tell, custom built LED rigs give the best colors used over SPS. That is what I would do if I wanted to use LEDs over SPS again. Reggie has an LED setup he built himself, and a lot of knowledge and experience.

But for now, regarding off the shelf LED lights, I would not use any of them for SPS. My honest opinion. I will stick with Radium halides and VHO Super Actinics until I see something better.
Orphek's are nice, don't think the price is justifiable though. I think I would wait for the Kessil AP700 to release.
im certain there are other fixtures out there that could do the job but the P47 is the only fixture i could personally say, without a doubt, will grow and color the crap out of acros.
i only like first hand experienced advice
I was looking for reeferman haha... he has had an ongoing experiment with a custom build as long as I can remember.:)

I'll be in a basement, was thinking less heat would be a much wanted thiggi (yea i'm going brain dead)
reeferman;993553 wrote: check out the P47 from Reefledlights.com,its the factory version[almost]of my diy fixtures.all my build supplies came from them also.

is this it? and why is is it
do you do custom builds?
rdnelson99;993548 wrote: Now wait just a minute!!!! Your jumping off the T5 band wagon???? :)

The t5 is no joke man :) i just want the LEDs to work soooo bad
B,they WILL work,trust me :)
thats the one,just get one with the controller and you can control the other one[satellite]with it also.i like it because of the very high quality components and binned leds.you get an exact spectrum instead of a very wide spectrum like unbinned leds[what most other fixtures used].e.g....instead of a spectrum in the 35-55k range,you get a 35k spectrum.i like them because i have used their components for a very long time and have the utmost confidence that with exceptional husbandry[like yours]that it will definitely do what you want it to do.
like i said,im sure theres other fixtures out there that can do it but i cant personally recommend them.i stick to and recommend what i know will work.
i dont really have time to do any custom builds at the moment,ive taken a new job at a nuclear power plant and i work 12 hrs,six days a week
I love new Radion G3 pro. I just have had a few week and just finished the acclimation period. So far my acros love new lights. The color looks awesome and much much better than I had them under 6 39w t5 and 2 Sol Blue.
The New Radion G3 pro is great for SPS . Never seen Acros grown and colors in Led like this..
The radion pros are good lights. You can get the color you want but the growth...Not so much. I don't mine because I don't like fragging my corals every week. I also have some kessils and love them.
reeferman;993634 wrote: B,they WILL work,trust me :)
thats the one,just get one with the controller and you can control the other one[satellite]with it also.i like it because of the very high quality components and binned leds.you get an exact spectrum instead of a very wide spectrum like unbinned leds[what most other fixtures used].e.g....instead of a spectrum in the 35-55k range,you get a 35k spectrum.i like them because i have used their components for a very long time and have the utmost confidence that with exceptional husbandry[like yours]that it will definitely do what you want it to do.
like i said,im sure theres other fixtures out there that can do it but i cant personally recommend them.i stick to and recommend what i know will work.
i dont really have time to do any custom builds at the moment,ive taken a new job at a nuclear power plant and i work 12 hrs,six days a week

so i would need one with a controller? It isn't something I can do with my apex? Maybe I'm thinking the wrong sort of controller