Legalreefer's 120 build

Here is the sump:
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Now I have to figure out how I want to plumb it. I am planning running 2 T's off the return. The first one will go to my UV and then dump into my refugium. The second will go to a Phosban reactor and dump into the refugium The refugium will overflow back into the return portion of the sump. Does anyone see anything wrong with this?
Well after 3 trips to the HD, and one more to go, Im 95% done plumbing the sump. Its a 38g and you can see the rest. I thought I was done and noticed I forgot to put a ball valve on.
Here are the fittings, not all but most
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Here is the whole sump. to teh right is going to be a 5g storage for ATO
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And my dog wanted his picture taken
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I started to add up what all I have spent on this setup. After adding it up, I wish I never had. Here is an itemized list.
500 Tank, stand, canopy
125 Lights
100 Rock
80 Sand
100 sump
30 Powerhead upgrades
50 Misc
1000 Total and no fish and that doesnt include all the things I already had :eek: Everything was used except the sand and plumbing. I cant amagine how expensive it would have been if I bought everything new.
I picked up some live stock for the tank today. I got 50 blue leg hermits and 50 snails, a few small coral frags and 4 blue green chromis. Slowly but surely its getting there!