Leopard suddenly sick????


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I have had a Female Black Leopard Wrasse in my 80G for now 6 months that has been doing just fine, getting along with my pair of clowns, a snowflake (uninterested in fish), and a pygmy angel. Suddenly today I get a call from my sister that he was laying on the bottom, after thinking she was dead she made a wave near him to see if he would respond and in fact he did, by swimming erratically; as if disoriented. I got home from work a few hours ago and now that she has finally came out, I can see what she means... She is swimming as if trying normally but very disoriented, I quarantined her within a container for now within the main display until I can figure out whats going on. She was eatting fine the past few days, I do have to mention that about 10 days ago I attempted to add another Female Leopard Wrasse. While acclimating this new wrasse was rolling slightly while in the bucket (disoriented) but not to the point my Black one is currently. After getting her in the tank she was acting slightly less disoriented as time went on for about an hour and then burried. The next day swam around the tank just fine with all of the other inhabitants (even my black leopard). After burying then 2nd night I haven't seen the fish in what now is I believe 9 days. I have checked my nitrates/ites and they are less than 1. Temperature and pH seem to be just fine as well as salinity. I have a dozen or few different coral species, 2 nems, and the other fish I listed and currently I see absolutly NO abnormalities in anything else. This wrasse has been with these nems for a long time now and I am EXTREMELY doubtful this is just a case of being stung as I've seen this particular wrasse after being stung. Anyone have any ideas, currently the only conclusion I can draw is that this is somehow been a result of the addition of that other wrasse. Her breathing is semi regular but seems labored, her colors are not as vibrant as I am used to seeing. Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing in wrasses??? any help greatly appreciated, I will try anything at this point to save this fish.
Did you treat with any dewormer? Most likely internal parasites. Over time the fish will whither away because of the parasites.
I haven't treated with anything other than Seachem Reef Plus vitamins so far, the only thing else i have is rX antibiotic food but I doubt at this point shes would eat it; not that it would help i think???

Any recommendations on what kind of deworm or w/e? And could it be worms even though the fish was perfectly healthy and active/eatting the past few days??

Edit: The fish just passed actually :/, if anyone has any ideas or anything im still open ears.
Prazi pro is the most effective and available de wormer. Most fish stores carry it.

Edit: You may have introduced something from the other leopard you recently added.
Leopards need many things, including a stress-free environment. Your tank mates might be causing an underlying issue with stress.

I would suspect the new additional wrasse has stressed out the relationship order, and a good potential problem.

They should be "deformed" with praziquantel-prazi-pro....

What kind of diet? They should have a high quality food such as PE Mysis with added Selcon, and additional foods like live black worms is great.

They need a low nitrate, low phosphate water quality very oxygenated. Changing GFO and activated carbon frequently helps.

I assume you have sugar fine sand. 3-5 inches?
I have live crushed coral actually :/, i've been wondering if this hasn't been an issue with the diamond watchman I had as well. The tankmates all seemed to get along fine, near the end the pygmy angel would follow him around sometimes and spook him out but it wasn't offen. I fixed my nitrate and phosphate problem 3+ months ago.

As for food, he ate the heck out of cyclopeeze, red brine flake, green garlic flake, mysis, and pretty much any other meats i put in.

Edit: Also I ran phosguard and carbon which i change monthly.

Edit: And the crushed coral is 3-4 inches deep in most places, its 120lbs in an 80 gallon
Crushed coral will just slice up their body as they dive and brak their beak where they can't eat no more.
read this:
(ummm, quicky I might add)
