Lesson on sps?

I've looked things up on google and information seems to be scattered everywhere. I think im going to hold off on doing mostly sps until i get a tank upgrade.
Actually do you guys think i might be able to get away with a green slimer frag? they seem pretty easy to keep care of and one of the easier acros...
if you think your system is ready to go try a digita or a cap... if you can maintain those... move to something a little more involved :) its not rocket science, but it can seem overwhelming at first.
....Never really thought as a capricornis being a sps. I actually have a colony of it..
What test kit brand do you guys recommend for testing alk/cal/mag?
I personally use Red Sea Pro.. some like it... some hate it haha.. I like it fine
Well you have one of the best tanks i have ever seen so it must be good haha.
wait can you dose to much calcium? If so were to ever happen what would the coral do?
it would likely fall out of the water column. Simply put... your water can only "hold" as much CA as the ALK / MG will allow.. thats why you have 2 part dosing.. Ca with ALK
I am also a fan of the red sea pro lineup. You can buy a kit that has Ca/Mag/Alk tests in one box with separate refills available for each as needed for good prices. Also, red sea has a good set of videos on youtube showing the steps for each and the exact color change you are looking for in each test. They also have low range nitrate and phosphate tests that are pretty easy too.