Genesis;1039598 wrote: Serious come back lol
lol. i did come off a lil rough now that i read it. sorry bout that.
my theory is some coral do better under different lights depending on the lfs. if they are grown under halides itll take a week or so for them to adjust. much like changing a mh bulb after 9 months.
another theory could be that t5 is a flourescent bulb which subconsciously increases brain activity and why some people are tired or get a migrain after being exposed to them for extended periods of time. A greater degree of how they work is a strobe light where people have had seizures.
who knows?
generally coral will adjust to each of our unique setups or kick the bucket as a last ditch effort to say "you're not taking me alive!"
i doubt any lighting is "better" than the other, but i didnt jump on the led fence until this year when par was comparable (if not better).