Lighting Problem Help quick please


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I have a Coralife Aqualight Pro HQI Fixture and I just got new bulbs for it. I got two 150 Watt Phoenix 14K bulbs. I replaced them and only one works now. The one came on almost immidiatly but the other one still hasn't come on and its been about an hour. I tried re seating it and it still will not come on.:boo:. What do I do?
swap the bulds around to see if its the bulb or the fixture.

worst case scenario, put the old ones back in.
ya had a similer problem but with pc's in a nanocube and i was about to buy rep. pc's but a friend that sold it to me had extra blasts and pc's so he tested it and he fixed it so from my experience it must be the blast.

most likely that there wouldn't be anyone who has one(but you never know) and if there is not which kind would you look for icecap because i would get it here
Check the cable connections. I had an Aqualight Pro and the cord from the ballast would come unplugged from the cord to the fixture. (Assuming you have the same model).
Well, I feel like a complete idiot. The connection from the Quick Dissconnect from the ballast came un plugged. Man!!!! Thanks for the help!
haha good one dude.
i had a repair man come out to fix my ac the other day. knowing a little about them, i thought i had checked everything. he came out and pushed the high limit reset button outside and charged me 85 bucks.
its the most simple things we overlook.:yes: