Lighting question


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Man I know yall get tired of these questions but I just wanted yalls opinion.
I have a 75gal, I thought it was an 85 but just measured the footprint. It has very bad lights on it, so Im finally gonna get some new ones. Im on a budget and all I really want to keeps is softies, zoas, shrooms, things that are easy but colorful, maybe a few LPS corals also. Im not doing the MH thing yet, I have a choice between PCs and T-5s.

PCs are 260w which = 3.5 watts per gal

T-5 are 216w which = 2.9 watts per gal

I always hear that higher watts/gal is better but then I hear that T-5s are better so which would be the best overall for what I want to do?
Watts/gallon is the oldschool way to do it. With new technology, it's not about "more power" but "more efficient".

I also have a 75 and have a T5 Nova Extreme 4 bulb fixture with ATI and UVL bulbs. The whole setup ran around $350 with bulbs and shipping and everything, and I have a maxima clam 3" from the sand bed on a rock, and he's "happy as a clam" with a great growth line.

Bottom line, T5's are better than PC, and get the best you can afford.
What is ATI and UVL bulbs, and also whats the difference between the Ks in the bulbs, like 10k 12k and so on?
Bottom line, T5's are better than PC, and get the best you can afford.[/QUOTE]

I wholeheartedly agree. But i do have a 55 with all softies (several shrooms, colt, xenia, white and pink carnation) and a pagoda sps. I have a $130 48" coralife PC that i run 50/50 lights in and the softies drow like mad. The pagoda has grown but not as much as i think he should. About 1/4" in dia over 8 months. So if your going the PC way IMO stay away from anything except softies.
Well there is only a $10 difference in the PC and T5 so price isnt that bad of a problem. I was just wanting to know what was the best for growth.
T5 then.

ATI and UVL are brands of bulbs. The stock bulbs will not be the best. The K numbers refer to the color. Lower like 6500 is yellowish, while 10-12k is white, 14-15k is hinting into blue, and 20k is getting into purple.
au01st;306884 wrote: Bottom line, T5's are better than PC, and get the best you can afford.

+1. And you'll find a much better choice of bulb brands and Kelvin ratings in T5s vs PC I think.
Ok so has anyone ever used any odyssea brand products? JW cause they are on e of the chocies that has been opted to me.
I believe someone recently had one of those catch fire, or almost catch fire, can't remember.
If you have a canopy you might check out these:

I've used the 36" unit for over 2 months. Works great and no fires. Also to answer your lighting questions:
K = Kelvin or color temperature
for a simple explanation if you take something black 0 K
and heat it up to 5500K to 6500K it will turn white(almost):

If you have a good electronics or physics background it is pretty understandable otherwise it gets harry, read read read if you are really interested.
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Avant Garde"><span style="font-size: 12px"><span style="font-family: Verdana"><span style="font-size: 12px"><span style="color: #000000">lower the “K”, the more yellow, then red the light appears, such as a 4500 K
</span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Avant Garde"><span style="font-size: 12px"><span style="font-family: Verdana"><span style="font-size: 12px"><span style="color: #000000">higher the “K”, the bluer the light appears, such as a 20, 000 K
</span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Avant Garde"><span style="font-size: 12px"><span style="font-family: Verdana"><span style="font-size: 12px"><span style="color: #000000">Typical summer light about 6500K(noon in the tropics)
There are many other factors: PAR, Lumens, Watts, LUX, Spectrum, CRI . Also the type of bulbs used have an effect on these factors. If you want some more detailed explanation PM me. It can get really lenghty in a post and more info then most want to hear.
T5's for me, though i have grown alot under pc's. just make sure you are getting at least t5ho's. some manufacturers make plan t5's.
TEK lights are what I use, T5's are amazing.. but TEK's are a bit on the expensive side

If I were you I would do a retro T5 set up... that would be a good way to go, and you could start with just 1 bulb or 2 and slowly add them as you save the money
Ok well I found me some T5 lights, 2 actinics and 2 10k. It has 4reflectors... I heard that was better.