Lion FIsh and Angelrs?


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I have a 37 gallon aquarium and have just recently started it. I am waiting on it to cycle but while waiting I have been thinking about what kind of fish to get. I know that a Fu Manchu Lion Fish may be a little difficult for someone who is just starting out but could i possibly go with a small angler and some clownfish that are about the same size?
An angler is probably a terrible choice to keep in any tank that has a fish less than 2 to 3 times its size. They have HUGE mouths and will eat anything they can lure in, which generally will include any fish less than twice its size.

The mini-lions are possible, but with any lion, you're signing yourself up for a lot of maintenance. They are notoriously messy eaters, leaving a lot of waste which will mess with your parms without very aggressive maintenance.

IMHO, if you did a dedicated angler tank, that would be awesome and very nice to see (I've thought of it myself), but adding clowns to an angler tank will result in your clowns being lunch.