liquid reactor


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after 6 months of using kalkwasser it has taken its toll on my pumps .tried the vinegar route but after 2weeks same thing, jambed and clogged mag 7;s. has anybody tried kent liquid reactor with any success.have a fish only with live rock and 1 crocea clam , trying to maintain ca and alk but at the expense of my limit algae growth and get good skimming results. thanks
I just ran my return Quiet One 4000 pump and my backup/salt mixing Quiet One 4000 pump (one at a time of course) in a tall Oceanic salt bucket. I filled the bucket with equal parts water and Vinegar and let the pump run for 6-10 hours. The pumps look brand new! One pump was so bad that FutureInterest was over the other day and I turned off the return pump and I could not get it to turn back on! So much Ca build up the shaft was seized and it would not turn. I put the pump in the bucket and it would not turn on there either. I had to dismantle the pump and let it soak... then reassemble and run in the Vinegar solution. I am so happy that I have 2 just like brand new pumps! :)
You could get a kalk reactor. The pump feeds only pure water in those so that the only part that needs to be cleaned periodically is the reactor output.
Paul,To get to your question better ====> Calcium is going to buildup and deposit on items in your tank if you maintain the levels at the correct level or accidently higher than what you are shooting for. The Calcium with precipitate out of the water for different reasons including but not limited to: Too much Calcium in the water, Too high concentration of Ca at that one spot, Higher heat/temperature structures will also drive the Ca to form a solid over the object. So even adding a 'Liquid Calcium Supplement' can cause you to form calcium solids on your pumps and heaters unfortunately. Sorry for the bad news. Perhaps the 'Liqiud supplements' will help some people to not add too much at once compared to the concentrated Calcium Chloride powder supplements. An additional suggestion would be to avoid dripping the solution near a pumps intake of course. The addition of the high concentration of Calcium directed just at the pump will promote the formation of Calcium solids on the pump more quickly. Hope this helps some... also sorry it is so long. :)