Live rock


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I just purchased cured live rock from smartwater, and forgot a bucket and saltwater to transport it. He gave me bucket and covered it with newspaper that was soaked with saltwater. When I got home the rock seemed a little dry. My question is do you think I need to recure it? Will it cycle in my tank if I throw the liverock in? I have livestock in my bc29 and don't want anything to happen to them. Can I put the liverock in all at once or should I space it out over time. The liverock is in 2- 5 gal. buckets with either a powerhead or air stone.
I added about 40 pounds of rock to mine at one time. Of course my tank is 75 gallons, but the rock was in water of under 50 degrees for over 12 hours. if you it wasn't out of water long it should be fine. Just my opinion
Thanks for the input. I checked the water with an old test kit and got an ammonia reading of .25. I am going to get a new kit and retest to be sure.
I always transport my liverock "dry".. typically less than an hour. You should be fine. I even had several mushroom coral survive. Now if there is sponge on the rock you might want to clean that off. Air can get trapped in the sponge from exposure and can cause rapid die off of the rest. You're tank won't "re cycle" as in reality it is always going though the cycle, what may happen (and this is your concern) is the rapid die off could cause a spike. I don't think you'll have a problem though