Live Sand!


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FINALLY! I am at the point where I'm picking up my live rock tomorrow to begin the cycle process:yay:. Now I need approx. 140 lbs of sand preferably "Live" and some advice on the ideal grain size used for the DSB. Is 1.7mm to big?. Hopefully, a sponsor will see this and have what I need in stock. Any feedbackyou all can give me will be greatly appreciated. This has been a long journey and personally want to thank all of you guys for the valuable info you have given me either directly or in-directly.

I personally like the special floor reef grade. marine design and sea atlanta stock it. i think jenn @ Imagine Ocean can order it. she is closer and might be able to order for it to come in this week but you need to hurry and call her tomorrow.
Call the sponsors, and honestly, if you're dropping $$$$ on setting up a tank, become a member! It will QUICKLY pay off when making purchases.