look what i bought

no bryan your more than welcome to plus i should have my lights by then so maybe you can give me a hand with them =) but i payed like 279 with shipping
i am ******* pissed i called orca to find out when i should be recieving it and this is what they told me.
<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Hello Victor</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"></span></span>
After quite a few voice messages a fax and some emails we are finally being told by the mfg. that the Aqua bee pumps are still hung up in customes.Once they clear they will be shipped to D.A.S. ,put on skimmers and shipped directly to our customers.Unfortunately They cant finish and ship any skimmers until they get those pumps. Please let us know if you will need to cancel your order. We understand if you just cant wait.
Please let us know and we really do appologize.
Orca Systems.
i mean if they dont have it in stock they should say so in there site not sell something to someone and make them waite for it .
Agreed. Are you going to wait, or are you going with another skimmer?
i going to call monday and if i dont get a date then im going to buy it threw another site but first imma call to see if they have it in stock...........dont get me wrong the peopleni talked to were very nice and helpful as well as understanding but what gets me mad is the fact that they will sell you something they dont have in stock ..at leaste tell me its on back order but dont sell me something you dont know when ill get it .thats why if monday they dont give me a due date im going to ask for my money back