Looking for opinions


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Hi all. I hope this question is being placed in the proper forum; if not, let me apologize up front.

Does anyone have any experience with the Hydor Smart Wave Controller? I am looking at it in my Marine Depot catalog, and am wondering if a setup using that controller and a couple of their pumps in my DT for water circulation is money well spent.

All input is appreciated,

jrhunter0000;995004 wrote: I just sold one dirt cheap. They work very well. I loved it till i purchased jeabos with built in controllers.

Check on reefbreeder.com website and take a look at the Jaebos RW pumps. They are wireless with master/slave capabilities and priced right.
Variable pumps are always better. I had a Hydor Smart Wave Controller but as soon as I bought Vortechs I had no use for them anymore so I let them go to another ARC member cheap cheap. They work but really without at least like 4 strong powerheads its probably not worth the plunge. If you run certain powerheads (even their own koralias) it will beat them up over the long term. Mine broke koralia front halves about every 6 months - 1 year depending on what I set the intervals to. It does not buffer the on/off of the pumps so they will click everytime it changes direction. Good cheap little controller that aside tho!

Good thing about Hydor tho is their customer supports pretty top notch. I asked their customer service if I could purchase more powerhead front halves and they sent me 2 extra sets all free.
MarquiseO;995001 wrote: What size tank? What's in it?

90 gallon, and <u>nothing</u>. I am just now building a stand. I have the tank, a light fixture, a sump, and a return pump.

Am doing lots of research before I purchase equipment for it, so I don't end up regretting an uninformed purchase. I am gathering my information from the most reliable source in my opinion, which is all of you.

The next major purchase I wanted to make was a skimmer, so I am digging on those right now, but I ran across this Smart Wave, and thought I'd ask.
Bcavalli;995008 wrote: Check on reefbreeder.com website and take a look at the Jaebos RW pumps. They are wireless with master/slave capabilities and priced right.

I am hoping the Jebao products are good - my return pump is theirs. I will look into those - thanks.
sigshane;995015 wrote: 90 gallon, and <u>nothing</u>. I am just now building a stand. I have the tank, a light fixture, a sump, and a return pump.

Am doing lots of research before I purchase equipment for it, so I don't end up regretting an uninformed purchase. I am gathering my information from the most reliable source in my opinion, which is all of you.

The next major purchase I wanted to make was a skimmer, so I am digging on those right now, but I ran across this Smart Wave, and thought I'd ask.

The Jebao would be the best cost effective option (3x WP40 @59.99 ea on amazon). Something you may also want to take a look at is the Maxspect Gyre. Only one of the pumps will support your whole tank but it comes at $299.99.
Also keep in mind that the Gyre is a brand new product, and there is no long term user experience base regarding product reliability with them, but hopefully they will last. Jebao pumps have spotty reliability and customer service is iffy as well, easily seen if you do some research, but they are inexpensive compared to other pumps as well.
Thanks Marquise, I will probably go with the Jebao set. That and a skimmer will, I think, be the last major equipment purchases I will need to make.
And I am looking at your reply, you would recommend 3 pumps and a controller for my (under construction) 90 gallon FOWLR?
The jebao comes with controllers already included. I recommended three because it gives another alternate flow direction. You can do fine with just 2 if you want. Are you going to go bare bottom or have sand?