Losing fish - dusty white look on them

I hate to say this, but I went through a case of velvet and lost so many fish it was disheartening. So, on my reboot of this last tank, I quarantined all my fish for 30 days. Only 2 didn't make it in there but better in there than in my DT and wiping out other fish.

Dumb question: how big of a QT did you run? Since I'm sticking with all juveniles for my tank, I was considering stocking the QT up with a couple others today before I dose the copper up to therapeutic levels.

Ammonia badge still looks yellow (0) so I assume I'm doing well with the ceramic media and the biospira. Not sure how much larger of a bioload two new (but small!) fish would add to a 10 Gal.
Tomorrow starts week 3 of fallow on the DT. It's doing quite well. Maybe I don't need fish in it :rolleyes:

Last week right before I raised the QT to therapeutic levels, I stopped by Nemo and picked up a small Copperband Butterfly and my favorite fish of all time: a small Kole tang. I've been holding copper at >1.5ppm on the Hanna checker since 11/4, starting my 30 day countdown.

I'm finished dosing the tank with Metro, but continue to feed frozen with Focus and Metro (along with Selcon and garlic guard).

- Both clowns and the chromis are doing great. Color is back, no more dusty look on them, and they're eating everything and anything I drop in the tank.
- Kole took a day to start pecking at everything in the tank: heater, HOB filter, PVC tube, all that. He's still pretty shy when I come by the tank, but he's been a little aggressive toward the clowns and the CBB. December can't come soon enough!
- CBB refused to eat the first couple days. I dropped a fresh littleneck clam into the tank (smashed it with a hammer), and after a couple hours, the CBB and the Kole tang started attacking it. Totally cleaned the shell. Yesterday, the CBB was looking at the frozen bits, but only ate a couple tiny pieces. Today, I put a sheet of nori in, and the CBB is pecking at it!

After I introduce this new fishy fren family, I'll bleach all the QT parts and start new to QT some of my other favorite fish. Ugh... I've become one of "those guys". :p
Stardate 21.

The natives are restless. They want to know why the fish tank is still empty. They don't seem to realize there's a second fish tank... with fish in it. Medical officer reports the second fish tank is doing quite well, and we're about 3 earth-days away from dosing Prazi.

The three original fish look the brightest they have ever - and I have no light on the QT! No signs of white spots, lethargy, or swimming into the powerhead; all three are eating anything offered to them. The CBB is eating Masstick now, as well as pecking occasionally at the food offered in the water column. Kole tang is pecking away at everything, per usual.

Now if I can... just... distract the natives with... a turkey. We'll make it the full 6 weeks.
Stardate 21.

The natives are restless. They want to know why the fish tank is still empty. They don't seem to realize there's a second fish tank... with fish in it. Medical officer reports the second fish tank is doing quite well, and we're about 3 earth-days away from dosing Prazi.

The three original fish look the brightest they have ever - and I have no light on the QT! No signs of white spots, lethargy, or swimming into the powerhead; all three are eating anything offered to them. The CBB is eating Masstick now, as well as pecking occasionally at the food offered in the water column. Kole tang is pecking away at everything, per usual.

Now if I can... just... distract the natives with... a turkey. We'll make it the full 6 weeks.
lol its funny i tried to explaining to my wife and kids what happened to my tank and they dont really seem to be interested all they know is the fish are gone
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My family "understands" but they have time warp issues. Apparently, the last couple weeks have seemed like months.

Some outstanding news on my CBB: I got some freeze dried blackworms in the mail last night and he attacks them right when I drop them in the water! I'm hoping I lucked out with a good one that will munch all the aiptasia that are popping up in my DT.

On a QT note: this morning the water looks almost clear. The bacteria bloom is probably over, and I haven't had to dose Prime since last Wednesday (badge staying yellow, even with heavier feeding).

On a negative note... my Chromis has a bit of pink on its belly toward the tail. Going to keep watching him, hoping it's not Uronema (which... how is that even possible at this point?!)
I had a hard time with CBB's in the last year. I finally got one through a short QT and once in the system it couldn't compete to get enough food. It was very shy and the established fish went nuts at feeding time. It got me thinking I'm not going to QT shy type fish solitary any more. There needs to be one or two more fish in there.

I hope you don't run into the same issue with feeding it in the display and it stays happy & healthy for a long time.
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I had a hard time with CBB's in the last year. I finally got one through a short QT and once in the system it couldn't compete to get enough food. It was very shy and the established fish went nuts at feeding time. It got me thinking I'm not going to QT shy type fish solitary any more. There needs to be one or two more fish in there.

I hope you don't run into the same issue with feeding it in the display and it stays happy & healthy for a long time.

He's in the QT with a bully Kole Tang... so far getting along OK! They share the clams I've dropped in, share pecking at the nori I offer, and the Kole ignores the blackworms completely. Hoping they'll be good to go in the DT!
And of course everything was going way too smooth. I'm all "what are these people talking about, CBB is easy!"

CBB got stuck in the powerhead. It's not even that strong. My sister-in-law noticed him up against it while I was cooking everything for Thanksgiving - of course after me telling them all how easy it is to take care of the saltwater aquariums *facepalm*

So I put him in a specimen container for the last few hours while we finished up eating. I just fabbed up an acclimation box out of eggcrate and put the CBB in it. He's still laying on his side and breathing heavy. When I pick him up and pull him through the water, he tries to swim... but the food coma is kicking in so we'll have to see how he is in the morning.
wow sorry to hear that if he got stuck in a powerhead he was probably already weak
That's what folks are saying on R2R also - and I always thought that was common knowledge.

This one, well, I'm not convinced he was weak. I think he's just a lazy... and got too close. When I drop in blackworms, he's darting around all over. He drags clams that are twice his size around the bottom of the tank.
That's what folks are saying on R2R also - and I always thought that was common knowledge.

This one, well, I'm not convinced he was weak. I think he's just a lazy... and got too close. When I drop in blackworms, he's darting around all over. He drags clams that are twice his size around the bottom of the tank.
when you dosed your QT with prazipro did your fish stop eating? i dosed sunday and last night and today they arent really eating like they were before did a 7G water change i will do another 10G tomorrow
when you dosed your QT with prazipro did your fish stop eating? i dosed sunday and last night and today they arent really eating like they were before did a 7G water change i will do another 10G tomorrow

Dang - missed this one, but think I answered in your thread! No issues with eating.

Fish are back in the DT. Couple days early from 6 weeks fallow, but willing to take the risk to keep the wife happy. Already have them all eating - the clowns directly from my fingers!

All the QT equipment has been bleached and set in the garage to dry out. My wife’s gonna be so pissed when I get new fish and that tank comes back out.
Dang - missed this one, but think I answered in your thread! No issues with eating.

Fish are back in the DT. Couple days early from 6 weeks fallow, but willing to take the risk to keep the wife happy. Already have them all eating - the clowns directly from my fingers!

All the QT equipment has been bleached and set in the garage to dry out. My wife’s gonna be so pissed when I get new fish and that tank comes back out.
ah nice im right behind you got another 12 days before i can start putting the fish back in the DT
i wonder how long velvet really takes to die off in your tank i know 6 weeks is just one study so thats the max time they say you should wait ive been interested in the topic but all the studies ive seen are very few and were done like in the late 90s