Losing Fish.... Help


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I've lost a fish per week for the last three weeks. First a Yellow Tang that I had for a few months, then a Diamond Goby, and today a Rusty Angel. I had both of those for 21 months.

I do a 10-15% water change every Saturday and switched to RC a couple of months ago from Tropic Marin Pro. My tank is 90 gallons and has been running for a year and a half.

The only parameter I found out of whack was my KH, it was 6.5 last week and I have been slowly raising it. I'm not sure if a kh that low could harm fish, or if slowly raising it could harm them either.

I currently have a pair of O Clowns, two Green Chromis, a Tomini Tang, Purple Pseudochromis, a Fairy Wrasse, Bicolor Blenny and a Blue Throat Trigger.

I never see aggression aside from the Purple Pseudo runnig someone from his cave, that is rare though.

I went through a similar issue last year but that turned out to be a lobster, when I got him out the deaths stopped.
rk4435;1002489 wrote: I've lost a fish per week for the last three weeks. First a Yellow Tang that I had for a few months, then a Diamond Goby, and today a Rusty Angel. I had both of those for 21 months.

I do a 10-15% water change every Saturday and switched to RC a couple of months ago from Tropic Marin Pro. My tank is 90 gallons and has been running for a year and a half.

The only parameter I found out of whack was my KH, it was 6.5 last week and I have been slowly raising it. I'm not sure if a kh that low could harm fish, or if slowly raising it could harm them either.

I currently have a pair of O Clowns, two Green Chromis, a Tomini Tang, Purple Pseudochromis, a Fairy Wrasse, Bicolor Blenny and a Blue Throat Trigger.

I never see aggression aside from the Purple Pseudo runnig someone from his cave, that is rare though.

I went through a similar issue last year but that turned out to be a lobster, when I got him out the deaths stopped.

sorry to hear and Im not expert, but I would start testing all the basics and go from there