lost a couple of fish help


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as above and now my clowns look like they are shedding. any suggestions?

Fish start to look like they are shedding if there is an ammonia problem because it burns and the mucus protects them. Check that first!!!
Tsunami;117879 wrote: Fish start to look like they are shedding if there is an ammonia problem because it burns and the mucus protects them. Check that first!!!

I never knew that... thanks!

Rawn? Any updates? Anything I can do? We just changed the membranes on the RO/DI ~ ~ if you need water, please stop by tomorrow.
Stress Zyme won't do anything. It sounds just like brookynella. Get some Quick Cure, any fish store including Petsmart should carry it. If you can't find that, find something with the active ingredient Formalin.

1. Add 7 drops Quick Cure to 1/2 gallon of water.
2. Place clown fish in the bath for 10 minutes.
3. Repeat every other day for 5 days.
4. Do not add the Quick Cure to your tank.
5. Brookynella resource: http://home2.pacific.net.ph/~sweetyummy42/brookynella.html">http://home2.pacific.net.ph/~sweetyummy42/brookynella.html</a>

I have used this many times on brookynella.

Stress Zyme is a biological clarifier. It's a blend of different bacteria with the purpose of digesting the sludge on the surfaces of your tank. They recommend this to increase biological filtration capacity by freeing surface areas of organics to allow for bacterial colonization.
If I do this do I still need a QT tank for the clown or can I put him back in the main tank?

Thanks I will get this in the am
rawn have you put anything new into your tank lately ...or have you mixed up anything in the tank to cause an ammonia spike things just dont start dying for no reason it will help to know if there have been any changes to your tank laately
another thing do you have anything that can be poisenous that died and could have triggered the deaths after wards
have had a little trouble with the mg/ca ratio in tank but ammonia is 0 all other chems are good. Added a fish after last meeting that only made it 2 weeks and then other fish started looking bad.
then you might have introduced something bad to your system what kind of fish and what did it die from or what were the symptems
It was a bengii cardinal and no real symptoms swimming around like a bengii does and then it was dead that fast.
If the fish are easy to remove from the main display you could put them back in there. It's not the best, but it will work. If the fish is showing signs of excessive stress in the bath, place it back int he tank. You can get a QT tank together really cheaply, though.

1. 10 gallon tank $10
2. Powerfilter $24 (I like the Aquaclear Mini) http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem~idProduct~HG10595.html">http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem~idProduct~HG10595.html</a>
3. Heater $14 [IMG]http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem~SearchStr~Stealth%20heater~action~view~idProduct~HG10712~idCategory~FIHTGH~category~Hagen_Thermal_Compact_Preset_Heater__100_Watt__10_1_2_inch_Saltwater_Aquarium_Supplies_Heaters_Glass_Tube~vendor~.html">http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem~SearchStr~Stealth%20heater~action~view~idProduct~HG10712~idCategory~FIHTGH~category~Hagen_Thermal_Compact_Preset_Heater__100_Watt__10_1_2_inch_Saltwater_Aquarium_Supplies_Heaters_Glass_Tube~vendor~.html</a>
4. A flowerpot for the fish to hide in.

You can get one together for around $50-$60. The best thing about using an aquaclear filter is that you can keep the sponge for it in your sump so you don't have to have the QT runing until you need it. Just pull the sponge from your sump for an instantly cycled filter that will turn the 10 gallon over 20x and hour. They're also easy to add other types of media if you need to pull a medication out of the QT tank.
Dang, rawn that sucks! When I got all the stuff for a QT I just went to wal-mart and bought the "10 gallon starter kit" I think it was like $30. Good luck. If you need anything I'm about 20 min away
The starter kits can work, but what I suggested gets you much better equipment with more versatility.
Nope. Brook is serious, deadly, and contagious. You'll need to get the fish out.

Round- DannyBradley has hit the nail on the head. You'll to act quickly too.
OK I am setting up the QT now. Should I remove all of the fish and dip them all or just the clowns that show signs.

Thank you all for the help this is what the club is suppose to be about.
I would do all the fish like jmaneyapanda said it is very contagious and you don't want to risk infecting your fish again.

From what I understand Brook mainly effects clowns but your other fish could carry the parasite and when you put the clowns back in they could be re-infected even though none of your other fish show signs of infection.

I would consider a UV light, not sure the life without a host anyone know?
I've seen it take down wrasses and tangs before, but it mainly affects clowns. I'm torn on the dipping of the healthy fish, as the formalin may affect their slime coat which is protecting them from getting sick. I would probably keep a very close eye on them and try not to stress them out too much. I would dip at the first sign of anything, however.
I agree dipping a seemingly healthy fish is a risk. My worry is that the other fish may not be showing signs of infection but could still be carriers. Getting the clowns through one infection is going to be rough as this is a fast moving disease, getting them through it a second time? Very unlikely.

It's a Catch 22 I guess. :)