Lost one... ;-(


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So I got 5 blue chromies (.5" - .75") each and a 2" copperband butterfly last friday. I had a mated pair of false percula clowns that had been doing great in the tank for over 8 months now. All my water parameters are excellent, yet this evening I discovered one of them is missing. It looks like one of the brittle stars got a big dinner. I also have a 3 " yellow tang, a 2" blue devil damsel, a 2" mandarin, a 2.5" dottyback, and a 3" scooter blenny.

Everything in the tank looks great and all the fish are fat and happy. I saw the clowns feeding on Friday and Saturday , so there was no indication of any issues. The new arrivals are doing fine and are getting along. The yellow tang has stopped chasing the copperband and all my feather dusters are gone. The clown that volunteered to be dinner was the female and she seemed to be getting a bit plump, eggs?

I have a couple of theories:

1) I haven't been feeding the three stars (two grey brittle starts and one spider star) for a while. They've been eating the mysis, brine shrimp, and fish poop that falls on the sand. The last time I fed them a nice chunk of shrimp was two weeks ago, so maybe they are hungry and one decided to get my clown. I say this cause my dottyback now has a white spot on his head (not ich). Almost seems as if he had a bad encounter with someone... star hint hint.

2) The new fish brought in some disease that took the clown down rapidly without showing any signs of stress. I didn't quarantine... I know.

3) The clown is hiding somewhere and I can't find it? wishful thinking!

4) I fed too much Friday and Saturday... I wanted to see the new fish eating. This may have caused a mini-cycle?

What do you guys think?

Oh, btw... I now have the following available for sale/trade.

1 Blue Devil Damsel (I'm tired of the little guy's sandstorms)
1 Dottyback (I think he is a shrimp mass murderer)
2 Grey Brittle Stars (I will never trust them again...)
1 Spider Star (Guilty by association)
You may never know for sure, but I would not trust the brittle starsts..they are very predatory. I had to take apart my whole reef tank years ago to remove one. If you keep the stars be sure to keep them well fed.
msnajkowski wrote: What size tank are all those fish in?

I'd like to know the answer to this question too. It looks like a lot of bioload to add to a tank all at once. This could have placed enough stress on your ecosystem to have suffered such a loss.

The bristle stars may have devoured your perc after it died since they are scavangers. I heard that the green ones are predators.

Sorry about your loss.

I have a 90G with a 30G sump.

Lifestudent wrote: I'd like to know the answer to this question too. It looks like a lot of bioload to add to a tank all at once. This could have placed enough stress on your ecosystem to have suffered such a loss.

The bristle stars may have devoured your perc after it died since they are scavangers. I heard that the green ones are predators.

Sorry about your loss.
