Lost Yellow Watchman Goby in QT


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Hi, Just got a YWG on Friday, followed by usual QT procedure (acclimate, dip in ruby reef rally pro, put it in QT tank and observe for 4 weeks) and released the fish in QT. The tank already has a clown fish (permanent resident to maintain cycle) and a three weeks in healthy scooter blenny, and that’s all (live rock). The YWG started eating after a few hours and moved around the tank, found a space and settled in soon. All of yesterday ate well, kept to his cave. This morning, I found in outside quite early, still looked normal. About 2 hours later, he turned upside down, his mid section turned dark and struggled for an hour before passing away. Immediately checked the water parameters - Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Salinity are all normal. Rest of the fish are all eating and fine. Bummed. Wanted to learn if YWG are sensitive or any precautions needed before I QT them.

Appreciate any advice from the members. Thanks in advance.
Thanks. I am going give it two more weeks to stabilize the QT tank and try one more time.