LOTS O' Live Rock For Sale


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Hello All,

I have broken down my large tanks and sold the majority of my coral. As a result, I had a lot of live rock left over, some of which I gave to my school's aquarium, but now the rest needs to go. Due to my present living status (with my parents), I cannot meet anyone directly at my house, but I can offer to meet up somewhere close by or at the November ARC meeting. All of the rock has been fully cured and is covered in corraline algae. Below is a link to a picture of some of the rock from a couple months back:


I am asking $2.50/pound, or $100 for 50 lbs. I have about 80-100 lbs available, and I'm offering it all at a first-come-first-serve basis. Please do not ask to trade; I am leavingthe hobby/seriously downsizing (only temporarily), so I do not have the room nor interest for anything else at the moment.

Thanks and happy reefing!

hello i am interested in the 50 pound deal. where could we meet besides the meeting in november?
Hey Kayla... I'll take whatever these guys dont clean out from you... (btw, I'm still interested in that one particular rock we discussed before)
Drop me an email or PM to let me know what the status is... thanks :)
Thank you everyone, but ALL of the live rock has been claimed--a few times over. I do not have any live sand, as the tank was run bare-bottom (which I still advocate). Thanks for your interest, though, and have a good one.