Low phosphate fix?

wantsummora acropora

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If I have low phosphates (too low) can I throw pieces of dead rock in my sump which I know will leech phosphates as I try to bring my system back into balance?
I know brightwell has a phosphate product you can dose. I am sure there are others too
To combat low PO4, I slightly overfeed, feed Reef Roids and dose Seachem's Flourish Phosphorus. I'm also cursed with low nitrates so my goal is raise both. If I had high nitrates and low PO4, I would dose the Flourish by itself.
There's no problem throwing the rock in the sump. It'll be interesting to see if there is an improvement in the PO4 levels from leaching. If not be ready to implement some of the options posted above. You can always come over and take some of my water. Loaded with nutrients!!! 🤭
I think it's going to depend on your source of dry rock. There is a chance that it has the absolute opposite effect and actually removes more phosphate from your water because the rocks you added are not saturated in phosphate. I see nothing wrong with adding more rock to cycle for a future build but I think your best bet would be to feed a heavy phosphate food or just dose a phosphate solution directly like Neophos or mix your own using monosodium phosphate salts.