Maintenance/cleaning question.


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Waverly hall,
As I was doing some work on my hard plumbing today, I noticed a lot of build up inside the pipes. Looks like detritus. Does anyone pull apart the plumbing and clean it out? If so… how often? Thank you
I will, on rare occasion, redo the plumbing on my oldest running system. Every 10 years or so I like to replace the tank, re-plumb it and redo the entire aquascape. The pipe will get detritus, sure, but it'll also grow tons and tons of these little calcium tube worms. That along with the sponges and bacterial mulm can restrict the flow in the pipes and it's just not worth trying to clean. At least it hasn't been for me. So my answer is "no" I don't clean the return or the drain lines.
That’s really interesting. When I was altering my plumbing today I seen these “calcium” tube worms you were speaking of but wasn’t sure really what they were. Once I got the system up and running again, they quickly got filtered out. Are these actually alive? And how did they get there
They are alive and I don't know how they get in our systems. I had them happily growing in my overflow chamber and it looked like a pile of white spaghetti. Sometimes you can see some that have a little tiny red fan. I think they're some sort of fan worms (feather dusters). I used to have a lot more of them but they've naturally died back.

I literally just took a flashlight and checked my overflow. They're there! Lots of tiny white tubes with little tiny feather duster heads sticking out. Kinda cool!
I have to pull my canopy tomorrow because we just got glass lids. I’ll have to check and see if they are in my over flows. When I Shut off one return line today to build my manifold, and turned it back on. They were EVERYWHERE

Dude. They're amazing. I first noticed them under rocks and in my overflow chamber so I assumed they like less flow. But when I cracked open my return line there were all over the place and that's a ton of direct flow!

Sidebar - That's a nice looking manifold you got there! I just checked out your sump post and it looks like you've got a nice setup. Mark your calendar for December 10th. We're having our Christmas Part in Decatur and we'd love to see ya!
A Christmas party? What’s involved?

man’s thanks, my wife had to go to the hardware store like 5 times for me today.
She walked in and the guy goes “is he working on his saltwater tanks again?” Lol
Dude. They're amazing. I first noticed them under rocks and in my overflow chamber so I assumed they like less flow. But when I cracked open my return line there were all over the place and that's a ton of direct flow!

Sidebar - That's a nice looking manifold you got there! I just checked out your sump post and it looks like you've got a nice setup. Mark your calendar for December 10th. We're having our Christmas Part in Decatur and we'd love to see ya!
Is that GA or AL?