Making Your Tank What You Want it to Be


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Reef keeping, just like life, is all about the decisions we make. Yes, sometimes we get thrown into chapters of our lives we didn't write and never would have, but the majority of the chapters are authored by us. The same applies to reefing.
What I'm getting at is this: What do you want your reef tank to be in 2-4 years? Now, once that dream is set, let me encourage you to take steps every day so that, barring some unforeseen craziness, the sum of the small additions can't help but equal your goal.
Want to retire at 50? Well, you better be working enough jobs to pay off all your debt and create a stream of income sufficient to make it happen. Want a thriving reef system? Then, take the little steps needed to position yourself in that direction. This may be devoting yourself to learning everything you can, committing to small water changes without fail, or finding a way to maintain your alk level. The little things that we can maintain will add up.
One of the biggest misconceptions in reefing is that you can buy your perfect reef tank. Well, you can certainly buy some expensive stuff, but you can't buy a thriving system and keep it that way. The sexiest gear does NOT equal the most successful system in the long run.
Some of the most incredible tanks I've seen in my short time of reefing have been from those who simply had lots of patience, and an unquenchable desire to know more.
So, if you're a new reefer let me encourage you. It can be done. Don't concern yourself with the cost of all the newest toys. Move slow, grow into the system, and let it happen over time.
Set goals, and do little things every day toward that end.
There, thats my motivational speech for the year.