Mandarin and Pipefish feeder

So I think I got this figured out. Happened to find myself at a Dollar General of all places last night looking for cheap solo cups and found a car cup holder ash tray which I think will be much better than the funnel design I had come up with before. Based on the design it should allow for very easy and simple mounting of an auto feeder while keeping the eggs conpletely dark.

Also, decided to add an air inlet which hopefully will help keep empty shells in the ash tray instad of the feeder.

Everything is in place except the feeder which is drying from being glued this morning. Tomorrow Ill fire it up and report the results after a day or so.
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And for those interested in the origins of this I finally found the original article outside of the tragic downward spiral forums known as reefcentral.

Sorry, its working like a charm but a couple things have presneted themselves that may be an issue or have left at least a few questions.

First of all, it works great! Eggs dropped in are aerated slightly giving a strong hatch as well as egg shells are being pushed up top. Been cleaning out the top dispenser every other day but porobably could push that back if I felt inclined. but its super easy so this schedule is fine.

The problem thus far is specific to my set up. I've routed everything behind my rockwork in attempt to hide it all from the viewing areas of the display. Which is fine, the bad part of this is the feeder placement which was an absolute PITA to get in. Pretty sure was blind luck the first time.

Because of the placement I havent wanted to take it out just yet. As such, the biggest questions remains to be answered. which is, does it trap any eggs?

Until i figure out a solution to easily removing and reinstalling for cleaning it's staying put until clogged. Which best case senario is roughly 3 weeks which is how long my other one that is fed only hatched brine takes before it needs to be removed and cleaned.

Either way though, the setup works. The only complication I am having is self inflected due to the way I've decided to install it. A line ran directly down an open wall with nothing obstracting would be a breeze and super simple to manage. Super simple unfortunately has never been associated with me.