Mantis Shrimp ID?

I feed her twice a week or so. Frozen foods are the best, and most healthy, option for Marty (great name btw). Frozen shrimp, squid, scallops, mysis, and silversides are all great choices. Scylla also likes the occassional octopus I do actually keep hermit crabs and a variety of snails with her. She eats some of them, but most of them just hang out around the tank. I would recommend adding some cleaners to see what happens. Mantis generally prefer snails to hermits, I think, but they do like true crabs a lot. Scylla will eat fish as well, but I think she just doesn't want to put the energy into catching the molly...too easy just to grab a snail or hermit. I'll PM you my number and my Yahoo Messenger ID, both of which are good ways to get in touch with me in the evenings and on weekends.
He's doing very well, thanks. At least as far as I can tell. I've got him in his new 12G Eclipse and shortly after I put him in there he gave me a scare by staying in his hole for almost two weeks. From what I've read he was probably molting. Since he has come back out he has really had an appetite and has done away with most of the snails and hermit crabs even though I feed him shrimp occassionally. I still haven't been able to get a good look at his underside to determine if he is male or female.
I want one now!!! I have a 10 gallon that I could use or a 20 gallon for a larger one.
I finally got my tank set-up and purchased a Mantis last week. Here is a picture. I hope the spots on her back will go away with the next molt. I'm pretty sure she is a <span style="color: #333399;">Neogonodactylus wennerae. </span><span style="color: black;">What do you guys think?</span></em>

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Yeah, I'd say it's a N. wennerae. Check its meral spots on its raptorial appendages (arms). N. wennerae has white meral spots. They tend to change color, so after it molts, it may be a completely different color than it is now. They stay small, and they are supposedly quite interactive and friendly. Good choice! What are you going to name it?
I'm not sure what I'm going to name it. I still haven't gotten a good look to see if it's a he or a she. It is very active and has not stopped digging and making tunnels since I put it in the tank.
Ms. K;37519 wrote: Yeah, I'd say it's a N. wennerae. Check its meral spots on its raptorial appendages (arms). N. wennerae has white meral spots. They tend to change color, so after it molts, it may be a completely different color than it is now. They stay small, and they are supposedly quite interactive and friendly. Good choice! What are you going to name it?

I'm sure it is a N. Wennerae and a female. I named her Lilith.
Congrats! Just a little update on Scylla....her molly friend is still hanging around. And to add insult to injury, he actually started eating bits of food from the sand at the entrance of her burrow yesterday....with her peering out right beside him!!! She barely paid any attention to him! She just kept looking at me like "What up yo!"