March ARC Meeting Frag thread

I think I asked this before but.. Do you mean Solid red or the red with green? I didn't know there was just a "Red" one. If there is I want one lol.
For sale:

- 3 GSP frags - $8 each. They are about the size of a dollar coin. Just glue it down on a rock and you're good to go.
- Tan monti cap with purpleish rim (same as the ones shown in Washowi's tank pics) FREE 1-2 inch frags
- yellow polyp rock with macro (size of a PDA) looks really cool in gentle flow... $15.
- Purple montipora digitata $10 (about an inch long w/ multiple heads)
Some pics...


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The cap:

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Yellow polyps:

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The red candy cane looks like it had red or pink stripes. It's not brown with a green center. There's a pic on the back wall of Cap Bay that looks great. I'd love to see a pic of the pinks, maybe the same?
Wei, your picture taking sux!


You really need to learn how to use that camera.


These are the pink ones I was talking about. These and the greenish/blueish ones are the only ones I know of. Maybe it's just a lighting trick or something.

those are the ones youre getting from me, the ones in that link with the green centers. The ones in the back might be the same ones just without any actinics on.
Yea, I gotcha, and that's what I want.

I was just trying to show what I meant by pink candy canes. If someone has seen red ones, I would be interested too, but I am assuming it is just a light thing with the pink candy canes, making them appear reddish.
thats what you want, and thats what you shall get! :) Personally Ive never seen "red" ones tho that doesnt mean they arent around somwhere.
Maveri9720 wrote: Wei, your picture taking sux!


You really need to learn how to use that camera.

Don't be an ***... these were from the point and shoot digital camera.
Maroons15 wrote: KappaKnight - Can I buy a small frag of those Zonathids in the first pic?

I'll see if I can frag some off before the next meeting. Remind me a couple of days prior if you don't hear from me.
If anyone has some shrooms they would like to part with, I would like to take a few off your hands for my 3 gal slice of the ocean.
I have a blue mushroom that will have some green pinstripes on it when it gets bigger... it's on a rock with 3-4 blue zoas. ...just saying. :) </em>

ReeferJW wrote: If anyone has some shrooms they would like to part with, I would like to take a few off your hands for my 3 gal slice of the ocean.