Marine Ich


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Managed to get Ich into my main display even though I have been quarantining my fish. Could have came in via a new coral addition or the last fish to go through quarantine. At any rate it is in my tank. My system is a 180 reef with the following fish. 2 Small Percula clown fish about an inch and half long. A kole tang and fox face both about 4 inches long maybe a little bigger. All the fish appear healthy and are eating well. The Fox face eyes look like they might be slightly cloudy hard to tell as the area around his eyes is black.

The kole tang is the one that is showing spots. This has been going on for about 3 weeks. Seems to follow a pattern. Thursday or Friday the spots a visible. Then by Sunday they are all gone. Then same cycle starts the next week. He is eating well but does flash against the rocks occasionally. There seems to be less spots each week.

One question I have is if this strain appears to cycle weekly once I have cured the fish will I need to keep the tank fallow for the suggested 8 weeks? depending on the method I use they could be ready to be reintroduced after about 6 weeks.

So I have done way to much reading on Marine Ich via the web. I have a very good idea of how to treat it. The 3 proven methods I've read about are the tank transfer method, Copper, and Hypo.

At this point I am looking for some practical advice for each of these methods from someone who has used them successfully. I have a few issues I am trying to sort out.

Copper method
1st being my quarantine tank is a 29 gallon which could be a bit snug for all the fish I have. With it being the only tank I can use for copper or hypo the fish may have secondary stress from being over crowded plus I do know for sure but would suspect I'd need to do daily water changes at with that many fish in a 29(can some one confirm) could be difficult to maintain the proper levels of copper with daily water changes.

same issues with over crowding as with the copper method. I also read it can be very difficult to maintain the PH levels low enough and that they need to be checked and adjusted twice daily.

Tank transfer
would need to sort out another container. I worry that I might do more harm then good trying to catch the fish every couple of days.

Anyone with any experience with using these methods who can provide advice especially about how to keep water quality up with out compromising the treatment would be greatly appreciated. My fish are fat eating and other then the spots on the kole tang appear to be in good health, so I'd hate to kill them trying to treat this.

Paul :mad2:
Tangs don't tolerate copper very well. If you do go that route, I'd suggest Seachem Cupramine and TEST TEST TEST so you don't overdose.

Personally, I'd leave the fish in the display and spike the food with Metronidazole and Focus.

Once ich is in a reef tank it's difficult to impossible to get rid of, the best thing to do is manage it - keep the fish healthy and well fed and stress levels low, and it shouldn't be an ongoing problem.

If you really feel like you need to go fallow for a couple of months, have at it but make sure you have enough quarantine space for all of your fish or the problem just moves and gets worse, into a smaller tank.

To add to what Jenn said (yes many will disagree) I believe fish build up an ammunition system somewhat. Treat as she said for a good length of time. Until all symptoms are gone and then some. Then each time you are getting ready to add a new fish, treat for a few days before and a week after. That helps boost the immune system to fight off the Ich that will come due to added stress of a new tank mate. Unconventional yes but I think it works well.